The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I really don't want to patronise you but to be honest mate at your stage in life you gotta just concentrate on those exams and not let girl troubles get in your way. I know they are nice to have, since my breakout 7 weeks ago its been tough but you just got to role with it. I feel lonely too, its bound to happen but the point is if you just rush into a relationship (whatever your intentions) or if you go out trying to find someone you will just end up like you are now. Take it from someone with experience in this matter!

Im sure you'll get back to school and there will be loads of nice girls there anyway. Just keep your head down and study if you want to get to college/uni because you only got one shot! its important.

As for now, perhaps you need something to take it off your mind. If i were you, i would go to your local store, rent a movie and buy some snacks - go home, relax and just watch the movie. You might even find it enjoyable to be alone, sometimes its what you need for a little while.

Once you've done that just get some of that revising done! It will take your mind off it.

last preson i was goin wid was a ****head lol

i assume your talking sex right? Again im not gonna patronise you because that would make me a hypacrite in this instance - if theres one important lesson to learn its that sex isnt everything and one day you will learn that just having the love of someone really special can be all you need - but when/if you lose it its very very soul destroying so treat whoever your with well.

Hope this (at least some of it) has been helpful to your situation.

Good luck, Ad
Reply 2
Wow, that puts all my problems in perspective.
Reply 3
first of all great piece of advice adamu. Next - dude, just hit the books ok. The girls will soon come. Just do your bit. And dont think too much abt girls. :wink: Fix ur mind on the goal and go for it. Distractions are always there...but these exams aint gonna come again in life mate. Do ur best. we can think of the girls a lil bit later :rolleyes:
Reply 4
im soooooooo bored n lonely. i havent bin seing any1 in 2 moths now, it might now seem long but it kinda is to me, and the last preson i was goin wid was a ****head lol. but not jus that, i mean, im starting my gcse's on monday and i really want to start revising now, but i feel to down to even try. :frown: so wat yall at ???

If I were you I'd concentrate on the start of your GCSE's. You're only fifteen, so there is plenty of time for girls in the future.

If you're feeling lonely, why not go round a friend's house?
im soooooooo bored n lonely. i havent bin seing any1 in 2 moths now, it might now seem long but it kinda is to me, and the last preson i was goin wid was a ****head lol. but not jus that, i mean, im starting my gcse's on monday and i really want to start revising now, but i feel to down to even try. :frown: so wat yall at ???

Not to be insensitive but...pull yourself together! You're 15 and you've been single for 2 months, 2 MONTHS! Just spare a thought for those who are 18 and have been single for a year! I'm kidding, but seriously concentrate on your studies and you'll find that someone special will come along when you're least expecting it and in the mean time enjoy being single and having no responsibilities, don't let it get you down. :smile: I'm single and every friday night i go out with the girls and have a complete laugh, i'm going on holiday with them tomorrow and over the last year i've been single i've had the time of my life. When i was with my last boyfriend i had no time for my friends, my work or to be honest myself! Yes sometimes i do get lonely now but all i remember is that the reason i'm single is because i haven't met anyone special enough yet. You need to remember that too.

sorry to ramble!
Reply 6
There's more to life than being with someone - some of the best times I have had were when I was single and put myself first. If its physical fulfilment you desire, you always have your right/ hand if in need of relief and your left if you get bored....

Reply 7
im soooooooo bored n lonely. i havent bin seing any1 in 2 moths now, it might now seem long but it kinda is to me, and the last preson i was goin wid was a ****head lol. but not jus that, i mean, im starting my gcse's on monday and i really want to start revising now, but i feel to down to even try. :frown: so wat yall at ???

ok, i don't want to sound insensitive, but seriously don't stress about it. you are 15 - i mean, blimey, sex isn't even supposed to be legal for you yet! the fact is that 2 months is not a long time at all - honestly, when i was your age i was in the middle of a four year gap between relationships (not that i knew it then, obviously). gcses are way more important than girls at your stage of life - just relax; if you spend all your time moping about not being with someone then you'll just have a crap time. count your blessings (e.g. you are still young enough to get away with buying child tickets, you haven't got to do your a-levels) and the rest will come in its own good time.
Reply 8
ive not dated for just over a year. A friend once said something to me, which makes alot of sense. Why would anyone be happy for you, if you cant be happy for yourself.

Its all about being positive and making your own happiness, people wont wanna hang around with a bitter and sad/angry person.

Your young, i tend to beleive i will do my dating and stuff once im done finding me, which uni is kinda apart of finding out who i really am.
Reply 9
cheers every1. when i said ****head, i wasnt tlkin about sex, i ment d**khead lol, but aww well lol. every1 sayin im only 15 n all that, but next yr i'll be 16, then 17, will people still be saying "awk your only 18"?? i may only be 15 but im not a kid, i am able to look after myself (i no this sounds like a stubbern 12 yr old lol), and yea i do wanna go to Uni etc.. but i dont wanna have my head in the books, i want a social life. my social life at the min is fine, its jus there is something missing... :confused: lol. but anyway, who ever said about "plenty of girls at skool", well you rly wouldnt want any of them lol. and another thing, look at the wee Soc symbol beside my name lol, not rly "girls" is it lol. but thanks anyways. :smile:
Reply 10
Good things come to those who wait. I was single for a whole year and 2 months before I met my girlfriend and have now been with her for 7 months.