The Student Room Group

Is everyone boring geeks at Warwick?

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Reply 20
Oh, forgot to say that posters are fine. Allowed blue tack on the walls and pins on the pin boards only (I think every room has a pin board but I'm not totally sure).
Jenn xx
Reply 21
Just wanna say I've been worried about exactly the same thing I go out ALL the time and get completely hammered. I love going out n would hate not being able to, nothing more fun than dancing till 2am lol. I put Jack Martin as my 1st choice though and now I'm beginning to get worried that no1 on my halls will want to go out! Ne1 who put jack martin wanna go out alot?!
Reply 22
I was in Jack martin, everyone went out all the time

its arthur vick that has the problem
Reply 23
just like to say i've been lurking here for a bit, and have also become slightly concerned about the proportion of...*ahem*...geeks at warwick, so Im glad to see there are some others planning to get paraletic for the entirety of freshers (well maybe not the entirety, but you get my point). I've applied for rootes and jack martin so hopefully i'll be ok with regaurds to this.
comon guys, I'm a 5/7 party guy (at least here in cyprus) but don't refer to ur future fellow-uni-students as geeks. It's just not nice.
Reply 25
just like to say i've been lurking here for a bit, and have also become slightly concerned about the proportion of...*ahem*...geeks at warwick, so Im glad to see there are some others planning to get paraletic for the entirety of freshers (well maybe not the entirety, but you get my point). I've applied for rootes and jack martin so hopefully i'll be ok with regaurds to this.

I dont think being paraletic for the entirity of freshers week would be such a bad thing LOL!
Reply 26
i dont understand why people think warwick students are geeks

just wait till you come here...

you wont find many geeks at all, maybe none

and even if you do, its not like you have to hang around with them... lol
just like to say i've been lurking here for a bit, and have also become slightly concerned about the proportion of...*ahem*...geeks at warwick, so Im glad to see there are some others planning to get paraletic for the entirety of freshers (well maybe not the entirety, but you get my point). I've applied for rootes and jack martin so hopefully i'll be ok with regaurds to this.

hi, this has probably been said before..but oh well..just because you dont get "paraletic" doesnt mean you're a geek - there's no dividing line...hope to see you at warwick though!! im seriously looking forward to everything about it..drunk, sober..who gives a toss!!
Reply 28
i agree swiss hannah, let the good times roll :smile:
Reply 29
hi, this has probably been said before..but oh well..just because you dont get "paraletic" doesnt mean you're a geek - there's no dividing line...hope to see you at warwick though!! im seriously looking forward to everything about it..drunk, sober..who gives a toss!!

Your right, and tbh im probably a borderline geek (im doing engineering, lol). Theres nothing wrong with moderate geekyness as long as you remain sociable.. its just easy (and fun) to stereotype :wink:
Reply 30
Not everyone is a boring geek at warwick but there are a fair few.
But its the blandness you've got to watch out for. I dont want to go into this any more.
Avoid arthur vick generally. And Jack Martin just to be on the safe side.
Reply 31
Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with geekiness but that'll be because I am one, and I'm not afraid to admit it :p: As long as people make an effort to socialise that's all that matters (hey, I just got back from the pub :smile: )...if you don't like 'geeks' would you even want to socialise with them? And what's with sterotyping different halls?
Reply 32
BarbedRose- primarily because different halls (although there are exceptions) fit stereotypes. E.g. Lakeside is full of international students and is pretty quiet, rootes/whitefields is seen as a party place, arthur vick is seen as full of posh, boring people etc.

I was in av. Out of 11 on my floor I still speak to 2 of them. Says it all really- they all liked rnb music (like a red rag to a bull for me- I despise the stuff).
Reply 33
i rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sounds like someone had a few drinks last night :rolleyes:
Reply 35
don't refer to ur future fellow-uni-students as geeks

Well, I am in my 3rd year, and am therefore in a position to judge due to the fact that I have seen 2 years of fresher intake. comes down to what your idea of socialising boils down to. Me personally....I like going out, getting hammered and going on the pull, that is not everyones cup of tea I know. In the same way, some people may see socialising as going down to the pub with a couple of friends.

But on seeing what warwick is like for the last 2 years..... there are 3 categories of people.

1. Those who never go out

2.Those who go out once/twice a week, have a few drinks and sit down in 'the graduate' (a bar in the union away from all the music) and then go home at 12.30

3. those that go out and get leathered

and before i get the same old comments like "oh you dont need to drink to have a good time blah blah" let me say I KNOW! so please dont bore me with more of that rhetoric!

Just wait and see.........there are a **** load of geeks at Warwick, but if you look hard enough you will find similar people to your personality whatever type that is.

And what's with sterotyping different halls?

I am stereotyping because if you remember you had to kinda describe yourself on the accomodation application form, and the University puts the sociable people in either rootes or westwood, and alot of the foreign and quiet students in AV. ( and it is NOT a generalisation to say that the majority of foreign students are very cliquey)

and before I get crap for that statement, I have been at warwick for 2 years, have seen what its like and have evidence of it.

I am stereotyping because if you remember you had to kinda describe yourself on the accomodation application form, and the University puts the sociable people in either rootes or westwood, and alot of the foreign and quiet students in AV. ( and it is NOT a generalisation to say that the majority of foreign students are very cliquey)

and before I get crap for that statement, I have been at warwick for 2 years, have seen what its like and have evidence of it.

Yeah I know cypriots get a lot clickuey, but it's more like mafia kind of thing :P I don't think they are the ones who don't enjoy their lives there. Here we are used to having clubs running up until 5 am so I guess ppl coming over there from here keep their habit of partying. Right?
Reply 37
Michael Mourao
Yeah I know cypriots get a lot clickuey, but it's more like mafia kind of thing :P I don't think they are the ones who don't enjoy their lives there. Here we are used to having clubs running up until 5 am so I guess ppl coming over there from here keep their habit of partying. Right?

I must admit I've never met a Cypriot! The students from Hong Kong/India/etc. have a tendency to "stick with their own" rather than socialising with everyone; couldn't really say about European internationals... But you don't have to follow the crowd - just go out with everyone!
Jenn xx
haha, I'm blonde and I like to say I'm not dippy but apparently I actually do conform to the stereotype...only I'm from Essex so it's worse :frown: I want to be taken seriously!
20,000 students at Warwick...think there's a good chance you'll find people to have a laugh with.
As for posters, I'm putting them up whether they like it or not :p: They're not exactly going to chuck us out.

Blonde and from essex too...the stereotyping I get is amazing but hey, its fun to surprise people with the fact that you actually have a brain. :smile:

On the drinking subject.... Getting drunk and being out loads is all part of the uni experience :smile: Although i'm starting to question my accommodation choice... I put AV down because the rooms are really nice but I hope its not too boring. Has anyone here stayed in it or put it down????

hi, this has probably been said before..but oh well..just because you dont get "paraletic" doesnt mean you're a geek - there's no dividing line...hope to see you at warwick though!! im seriously looking forward to everything about it..drunk, sober..who gives a toss!!

Amen :p: