The Student Room Group

Is everyone boring geeks at Warwick?

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Reply 40
claire.............change accomodation, seriously!

when I visited Warwick I looked at AV and it looked awesome, like a hotel with ensuite and stuff.

But they stick all the quiet people in there, and the people I knew hated it and some even thought about leaving because if you're a sociable person then it will be more difficult to meet people as you're mates at first are your hall mates.

can you imagine getting to uni and being well up for the banter, then all your housemates not wanting to go out?! exactly!

change to rootes trust me.
Reply 41
ok i'm worried now, can't remember what i put on the application form for accommodation seeing as it was a good few months ago. I'm the sort of person that gets off my trolley on booze and doesnt remember the night before, several times a week, cant see me makin too many friends at a place like AV

Is there anyway of looking at your application again if you did it online?

Whats nightlife like in warwick? i come from leeds and i've been told leeds is one of the best places in the UK to go out, so am i in for a shock when i go to warwick? im thinkin i mite be - only other places ive been out in are Kos, Malia & Newcastle, cant see warwick living up to them.

. . . and are there rules about people stayin over in your room?
Reply 42
Big Roy..... you're a man after my own heart mate!! (are you thinking of joing the football team? you'd fit in with us! lol)

Warwick nightlife is good at first but you only really go to the union in the first term, its awesome but u soon get bored. So i would say start going out in leamington on a tues (sugar £1 vodka red bball = **** faced) and mirage on a thurs. bham is only 20 mins from cov station as well so if you miss the big clubs then go there.

unlike leeds its not on your doorstep but if you go looking for the nightlife it can be good.

p.s leeds is quality....ive got a load of mates at uni there.
Reply 43
claire.............change accomodation, seriously!

when I visited Warwick I looked at AV and it looked awesome, like a hotel with ensuite and stuff.

But they stick all the quiet people in there, and the people I knew hated it and some even thought about leaving because if you're a sociable person then it will be more difficult to meet people as you're mates at first are your hall mates.

can you imagine getting to uni and being well up for the banter, then all your housemates not wanting to go out?! exactly!

change to rootes trust me.

wow sounds like my first term and a halfs experience exactly....
Reply 44
yeah i wo told that you end up goin leamington a bit, didnt no about bham tho, no a lot of girls goin there :wink:

i'd not considered the footy team, seeing as i'm pretty **** at it - cant run much more than 100m, not fat or anything, just seriously unhealthy.

Glad they do vodka redbull nights in other places than leeds, its a legendary invention - was at one last night!!!

Yeah leeds is great, keep opening new clubs, a gatecrashers one is opening just after i leave as luck would have it.

Don't know anyone going to warwick so im jus praying im with some decent people for my halls,
Reply 45
I'm starting to get worried I'll be the only Brit in my acommodation (Claycroft and Lakeside first choices) and that all the foreign students will be cliquey and hate me...or worse, everyone will be speaking in another language that I can't understand! Hmm...
Reply 46
I'm starting to get worried I'll be the only Brit in my acommodation (Claycroft and Lakeside first choices) and that all the foreign students will be cliquey and hate me...or worse, everyone will be speaking in another language that I can't understand! Hmm...

As an international student I can tell you that won't happen :smile:
Reply 47
I'm starting to get worried I'll be the only Brit in my acommodation (Claycroft and Lakeside first choices) and that all the foreign students will be cliquey and hate me...or worse, everyone will be speaking in another language that I can't understand! Hmm...

Why would anyone speak in their own language?
Unless you end up in a place where all your housemates belong to the same country
Reply 48
ok rystar, i respect what ur sayin as u are at warwick, but u can only go by from the ppl in ur year group and the others, u cannot predict what sort of ppl we will be in arthur vick with cos we are a completely new year group comin in, and also the ppl who want to to arthur vick on this website have already said they are up for socialising anyway and are out goin etc, i presume all the ppl starting in sept for arthur vick will be put in the same place. i am not sayin ur wrong, ur prob right, but the intake in sept good be compltely different sort of ppl to what ur expectin, do u know what i mean? we can only judge when we get there
Reply 49
yeah thats true mate.....and i totally agree.

its just that the warwicks intake is usually the same.....very intelligent people but looking for a different environment from oxbridge or one of the city unis.

therefore the intake usually encompasses those that are intelligent that love the boozage, and the less socially adventurous chaps that felt that oxbridge was not for them.

Judging by my own year, the year above and the year below that joined last year it is EXACTLY the same as the same type of people apply year after year.......and then they allocate accomodation based upon the intake which means that the same type of people will be in the same halls year after year.

ie AV will be boring as ****.

thats enough of my input on the topic, and we'll agree to disagree and you can see for yourself when you get there.

any fellow warwickers care to back me up?!
Reply 50
I agree that generally Arthur Vick seems to be full of quieter people who aren't into going out every night, etc. and that Rootes is generally full of party people, but there are exceptions to every rule (e.g. my quiet corridor in Rootes). They do seem to try and match people up with people they think would get on well, so if you've said "I'm loud and drink a lot" they're unlikely to put you somewhere with a bunch of people who said they're quiet and teetotal (though that's not saying it won't happen). They don't want students to be unhappy where they're living cos then they'll have complaints to deal with!
So basically, if you've put AV down as your first choice but said you're loud and outgoing, etc. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Either they'll try and put you with similar people in AV or - probably more likely since en-suite is hugely over subscribed anyway - they'll just put you in your second choice accommodation (or somewhere else entirely!). If the worst comes to the worst and you end up with people who won't socialise in AV, then you can apply to move after a few weeks - and I believe there are always more people wanting to move from Rootes/Whitefields/etc. to AV than the other way around so there's a pretty good chance you'd be able to I think.
Jenn xx
Reply 51
yeah thats true mate.....and i totally agree.

its just that the warwicks intake is usually the same.....very intelligent people but looking for a different environment from oxbridge or one of the city unis.

therefore the intake usually encompasses those that are intelligent that love the boozage, and the less socially adventurous chaps that felt that oxbridge was not for them.

Judging by my own year, the year above and the year below that joined last year it is EXACTLY the same as the same type of people apply year after year.......and then they allocate accomodation based upon the intake which means that the same type of people will be in the same halls year after year.

ie AV will be boring as ****.

thats enough of my input on the topic, and we'll agree to disagree and you can see for yourself when you get there.

any fellow warwickers care to back me up?!

I'll back you up :smile:
Also, if you speak to the third/fourth years they generally say that every new year that comes is worse and worse in terms of going out and partying. I think this is because as the uni is doing better academically u hence get the harder workers... I dont know how true this is but generally people working at the union say freshers dont go out as much as they used to...
Reply 52
If no one in ur hall likes going out do people go out with friends they have met on their course etc? Or do they just stop going out completely? I'm scared I'll be stuck in a hall with loads of people who don't wanna go out as I didn't say anything on my accomodation form to say i liked clubbing etc :s
Reply 53
Friends from you course, socieities/sports teams you've joined, people from other corridors in the same accommodation, random people you started chatting to in the bar the other night... There are plenty of people who will want to go out! There are literally thousands of people aged about 18-21 living on campus - you're not going to be all on your own in the union every night! Stop panicking everyone!
Jenn xx
Reply 54
to all those guys out there, ever seen the movie, "revenge of the nerds"?

and as for that, "gotta drink to be cool", hey im a big drinker, but as for getting drunk 24/7, all im saying is... 'while you gettin drunk, ill be gettin honey...'
Reply 55
I'm starting to get worried I'll be the only Brit in my acommodation (Claycroft and Lakeside first choices) and that all the foreign students will be cliquey and hate me...or worse, everyone will be speaking in another language that I can't understand! Hmm...

They were my first choices too. Lakeside does look nice, and I'm a Brit :smile:
Reply 56
therefore the intake usually encompasses those that are intelligent that love the boozage, and the less socially adventurous chaps that felt that oxbridge was not for them.

Hows about the third option - just didn't meet their offer? :biggrin:.

Mleh I suppose I'd be happier at Warwick. I'm hardly a party animal, but I would have died thrice over if I had to go to these formal hall dinner-mi-bobs with smoked lobster or something ridiculous like that.
Reply 57
I'm starting to get worried I'll be the only Brit in my acommodation (Claycroft and Lakeside first choices) and that all the foreign students will be cliquey and hate me...or worse, everyone will be speaking in another language that I can't understand! Hmm...

I lived in Claycroft last year, there were 3 brits and 3 internationals in (incl me) sharing one flat. In my experience indiand and chinese people can be pretty clique-y. The British Indian in my flat would invite all the indian people on his course over for studying. I dont think I ever so him together with somone not indian.
Reply 58
Well, I've applied to rootes and jack martin as my 1st and 2nd choices respectivly, but am beginning to get cold feet. You see, i put down something like "quiet yet sociable" on the form, which i reakon is gonna get misinterpeted.

Rystar, you appear to know the score :smile: ; whats jack martin like on the sociability scale? My worst nightmare is being stuck with a bunch of peeps that don't go JM like that?
Reply 59

Rystar, you appear to know the score :smile: ; whats jack martin like on the sociability scale? My worst nightmare is being stuck with a bunch of peeps that don't go JM like that?

I hope to god its sociable, I put it as my 1st choice and also put something like quiet but sociable when I love nothing more than going clubbing and getting hammered, I hope the accomodation people read into my statment and realise what I'm really like.... hmmm