I used PanOxyl 5% Acne Gel (the alcohol based one)
- Which worked fairly, and is also avalable in 10% and in a water based version.
- The only major draw back is that being 5% (or 10%) paroxide, it will bleach clothes/towel etc.
I then used Acnecide, which is exacly the same, and also avalble in the 4 versions.
Then i used some stuff caled Zineryt, i had to get a perscrition for it, and that hads to be mixed up at the chemist, its a liquid and cames in a bottle with a cloth type aplicator on the top.
- That was not bad, but not much more affective than the PanOxyl, and a bit had to aplie evenly (and stings like hell if you get it in your eyes)
- Then the bottle ran out and i did fell like geting a another perscription (too much effort)
Now i use "Nicam Gel" which seam to work the best of all, as far as i can tell anyway.
- Its an easy to apply cream, doesnt bleach clothes/sheets, and seams to work very well,
- You are suposted to apply it mornings and night, but always forget, and it seams to work fine just aplyed at night, and then washed off in the morning.
So i'd say go to a chemist and get a tube of "Nicam Gel" (4% Nicotinamide) - Its about £15, but lasts for about 2months, and certainly works very well.
Ontop of that, wash my face 2/3 times a day using normal soap and good flannel. (i fine 'simple' soap the nicest)