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Oxy "On The Spot" is definitely the best.... comes in a small red tube and costs about £4 - £5.
Ive practically tried every spot cream there is and my best advice is to go the doctor and consult him about it. If you do not have acne then the doctor will recommend you 'Zineryt' which is a really good and your spots literally go within two weeks. Then all you have to do is keep your face healthy with face wash products.
Reply 3
to be honest, ive had quite bad acne for years now, and only recently have I started taking a form of Tetracycline, and as long as you make sure you take it, along with this Tea tree cleanser from superdrug that i bought, it has brilliant results. It has for me at least, all my spots have died down and have nearly disappeared from about a week of using it. :smile:
Reply 4
I used PanOxyl 5% Acne Gel (the alcohol based one)
- Which worked fairly, and is also avalable in 10% and in a water based version.
- The only major draw back is that being 5% (or 10%) paroxide, it will bleach clothes/towel etc.

I then used Acnecide, which is exacly the same, and also avalble in the 4 versions.

Then i used some stuff caled Zineryt, i had to get a perscrition for it, and that hads to be mixed up at the chemist, its a liquid and cames in a bottle with a cloth type aplicator on the top.
- That was not bad, but not much more affective than the PanOxyl, and a bit had to aplie evenly (and stings like hell if you get it in your eyes)
- Then the bottle ran out and i did fell like geting a another perscription (too much effort)

Now i use "Nicam Gel" which seam to work the best of all, as far as i can tell anyway.
- Its an easy to apply cream, doesnt bleach clothes/sheets, and seams to work very well,
- You are suposted to apply it mornings and night, but always forget, and it seams to work fine just aplyed at night, and then washed off in the morning.

So i'd say go to a chemist and get a tube of "Nicam Gel" (4% Nicotinamide) - Its about £15, but lasts for about 2months, and certainly works very well.

Ontop of that, wash my face 2/3 times a day using normal soap and good flannel. (i fine 'simple' soap the nicest)

Reply 5
what about freederm?
Reply 6
Noooo! All of those have too much crap in them - - buy "bp gel" it's the best i've ever used! its supposed to be used with the regimen at very good, and much cheaper than oxy/clearasil which doesn't do anything lol
Reply 7
Recently, I have bought LOADS of spot cream. I have got cucumber face wash which leaves your face feeling smooth, I use it day and night. I have got clearsil wipes which are dry, and turn into a powdery substance, I have got a face mask and they all seem to be working.
Reply 8

All those products may make your skin condition better, but if you want to treat acne effectively you need to go to the root of the problem. As in, your sebaceous glands. Acne is caused by overproduction of sebum in your sebaceous glands. It mixes with dirt, oil, bacteria etc and forms spots. You have a few routes to go down to solve this problem:

a) Dealing with the overproduction of sebum (using Isotretinoin, otherwise known as Roaccutane or Accutane)

b) Dealing with the bacteria (P. Acnes)

c) Exfoliation, to get rid of keratin that can block pores.

Now, a) is only best for severe acne as Accutane has HUGGEE side effects and c) is not really that effective. P. Acnes is anerobic so it cannot survive in the presence of Oxygen. Benzoyl Peroxide, which rubbed into the skin, metabolises and releases oxygen into the pores, killing bacteria. Which means acne cannot form if dont properly on mild to moderate acne. And unlike topical antibiotics, your acne cannot become resistant to Benzoyl Peroxide!

Hence, why "bp gel" is a great, cheap product to use (but remember to moisturise afterwards as it can dry out your skin!)
Reply 9
great post ^^
Reply 10
go to the doctor and ask for "Benzimycilin gel cream" (not sure about the spelling). I tryed and used every product on the market and nothing worked, but this did!
Also try drinking LOADS of water... that really helps for me :smile:
Reply 12
Boots ACT range.
Reply 13
I've used Clean and Clear for about 6 months, within two weeks all spots were completely gone, and never come back apart from the odd isolated one next to my nose.
Reply 14
Yeah, I agree water sooo does help.

I think Witch clear pore gel is really good actually. But the Witch stuff is so expensive.
Reply 15
I use this T-Zone blackhead fighting daily wash stuff with tea tree oil... it works for me. It also smells a bit like wood varnish, which I adore. Ooh and I use Garnier PureA moisturiser and some french toner.
Reply 16
A dab of teatree oil and/or a dab of antiseptic cream - works like a charm.
Reply 17
I second everyone who's recommended bp gel - it works as well as oxy on the spot but is about five times cheaper.

I would also recommend Witch skin treatment gel. It isn't meant especially for spots (you can use it to treat bites and sunburn) but I find it works really well to clear up breakouts. The Witch clear pore gel does nothing for me though.
Reply 18
I second everyone who's recommended bp gel - it works as well as oxy on the spot but is about five times cheaper.

I would also recommend Witch skin treatment gel. It isn't meant especially for spots (you can use it to treat bites and sunburn) but I find it works really well to clear up breakouts. The Witch clear pore gel does nothing for me though.

Love your avatar!
Reply 19
BP gel at 2.5% concentration of you're following, BP gel at 10% if you need something more powerful. Oxy do both.