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I used to have a major problem with my OCD' knocking one leg against the chair and had to knock my other leg as well; walking through a door an even number of times (eventually it was the number i felt comfortable with, then purposely NOT the comfortable number etc). I would sometimes do things which people would stare and think, "" which really embarrassed me and made me feel retarded, which most of the time triggered even more OCD behaviour.

But since I started developing my eating disorders and occasional self-harm, my OCD's seemed to have "gotten better". It was as though my obsession over food has taken over my OCD's or something.
Reply 2
I still have a lil bit but unlike Eurasianfeline mine was worst when my eating disorder was at its worst. i think it just went with being stressed n that caused both - i dnt really know tho.

For me its a checking a compulsive worrier as it is but at my worst it used to take me about an hour or 2 to get to bed each nite cos i had to routinely check things like fridges and my hair str8ners and if nething disrupted me i had to start all over. yeah it feels really embarassing because u just know ppl dont get it at all.

wat are your particular symptoms? mines not so bad at mo so im letting it b but if yours gets worse go to doctor asap i watched this thing called the 'house of obsessive compulsives' and it was sooo scary to c how bad it can become.
I still have a lil bit but unlike Eurasianfeline mine was worst when my eating disorder was at its worst. i think it just went with being stressed n that caused both - i dnt really know tho.

For me its a checking a compulsive worrier as it is but at my worst it used to take me about an hour or 2 to get to bed each nite cos i had to routinely check things like fridges and my hair str8ners and if nething disrupted me i had to start all over. yeah it feels really embarassing because u just know ppl dont get it at all.

wat are your particular symptoms? mines not so bad at mo so im letting it b but if yours gets worse go to doctor asap i watched this thing called the 'house of obsessive compulsives' and it was sooo scary to c how bad it can become.

I watched that programme. I was so shocked when I learnt that one of the women had something like a 3 hour washing routine to carry out before she went to bed.

I'm slightly obsessive sometimes, for example I multiply check my hair straighteners religiously before I go to bed and before I leave the house. I also have a thing about checking the taps aren't left running. Although I think the "checking" thing comes from my parents who are convinced I'm going to set the house on fire by leaving electrical goods switched on.
Reply 4
this thread kinda triggered me.

i have had them forever, and was struggling to cope..they seem to disappear when i move out of home.
Reply 5
I used to get it bad whenever I went anywhere. Any lines/cracks in the road had to be stepped on, unless there were an even number of them, only then I could walk over them.
I'd then count the footsteps in between each crack, and endeavour to keep them even. I had to tread on the next crack with the same foot as the last one.

I didnt even find it odd at the time.
I still have a lil bit but unlike Eurasianfeline mine was worst when my eating disorder was at its worst. i think it just went with being stressed n that caused both - i dnt really know tho.

Same here :frown:
Reply 7
Im really sorry. I didn't mean to trigger you.

Theres a really good discussion board at

I am seeing a doctor etc as have had it for ages too but was only diagnosed last year. It got better and then has resurfaced in the last few days and i was struggling to deal with it so thought id find out if anyone else had it.
When I'm eating well my OCD seems to be worse, and vice versa, but they both seem to be improving a little bit. I'm a checker and I'm obsessed with numbers - I can't have a volume/locker number etc with an odd number or one that's digits add up to an odd number. If I do something with one side of my body, then I have to do it with the other and I'm very superstitious. I think that bad things will happen if I don't carry out my rituals. I've started just to accept it really and I'm finding it less stressful as a result.
Reply 9
I've got the thoughts (obsessions) more than the compulsions.
i have a problem with arranging thins in colour order and size order...when things arent exact it pissses me off e.g books arranged on a shelf
2 small ones in midst of 10 large ones of the same size-i have 2 put the 2 small ones together at the end off all the big ones b4 i feel at ease!
I too have ocd and for anyone that wants any more info or a good discussion forum for ocd, check out

I think a lot of people need to be careful about distinguishing what is ocd or just quirks. Everyone has a few quirks that they like things a certain way or will not walk over cracks or lines. Full blown ocd is when these little "quirks" get out of control and start to affect a person's everyday functioning and it becomes time consuming.
Reply 12
Yeah I agree i think everyone has it to some extent. Its when your too scared to do stuff (I locked myself in my bathroom for a long time!) that its serious.
Yeah I agree i think everyone has it to some extent. Its when your too scared to do stuff (I locked myself in my bathroom for a long time!) that its serious.

That's right. Are you getting any treatment for it? :smile:
Reply 14
I used to have that as a child.. it was quite funny. I had to do stuff like synchronise my footsteps with my breathing when I walked home on my own which was odd.

And also I imagined people left like a piece of string where they went, and the string couldn't be tangled so if two people went around each other they'd have to go back round, otherwise when everyone leaves they'd tie a big knot. I never actually acted on that though, just kept thinking about it. Oddly enough my mum said she used to think about the exact same thing..

One day I just stopped though.. everyone knows it's pointless.
I always have to wash my hands and make sure they're clean. If I touch the floor or a worktop I always have to wash my hands, it's wierd at times but I can live with it. :smile:
One day I just stopped though.. everyone knows it's pointless.

The basis of OCD is irrational thoughts and fears, however for most people with ocd they are unable to just stop it due to the nature of this condition. They need treatment to help them overcome it such as CBT and/or medication.
Reply 17
Its really interesting.. I think the human brain is like a new computer compared to old and simple ones, its better, more intelligent, but at the end of the day there's more that can go wrong as well.. eg. have you seen an animal avoid crack on the pavement?
Its really interesting.. I think the human brain is like a new computer compared to old and simple ones, its better, more intelligent, but at the end of the day there's more that can go wrong as well.. eg. have you seen an animal avoid crack on the pavement?

The human brain is very complex. It has been found that those who have diagnosed OCD do tend to have a highly above average level of intelligence.

This cannot be said for every person with ocd of course.
Reply 19
Wow! I've had OCD all my life, lemme tell y'all my story.

Started when I was about 11 (to my knowledge but my fam have told me otherwise) and I had it all, cleaning, numbers, thoughts, touching, prayers, rituals etc etc but my main thing was "touching". I had to touch things a certain amount of times before it felt "right".

I remember one night when I got up to go to the toilet, I couldn't get back in my room for hours because I couldn't get passed the door fram. I just sat down and cried. It governed my life, and even when I was laying still in bed, thoughts of my family dying popped into my head and the only way to release the anxiety was to say a prayer over and over in my head.

So they put me on "seroxat"...ooooh bad drug. It sent me loopy, but with counselling and the drugs, I got rid of it and finally weened myself off the drugs.

Then the summe rof 03 came and I was getting more and more consious of my weight and body. I started to stop eating all "fat" products and went down to an unhealthy 8 stone, when my normal weight is 12 stone, so yea, I got put on "Prozac", I tried counselling again but I was 18 and didn't wanna listen to this Russian (I think) lady talk to me, though it sounded patronising. So I discharged myself. I'm still on 40mg of Prozac and its helped so much butI'm still on it. Oh well.

I'll get off it one day. Who knows.

Respect goes out to all those sharing their stories, this OCD thing aint to be messed with. A lot of people dismiss it but its potentially life threatening.