The Student Room Group
Reply 1
ur on perfect track..
if u want to bulk.. do less cardio, heavy weights less reps
if ur cutting take light weights many sets and reps

Ok .. i want to ask one question from others
on the legs day should one do 4 exercises for EACH muscle like 4 for hamstrings 4 for quadriceps and 4 for calves and glutes
is it so?
And... is it fine to do workouts b4 2 hours when u r going to bed? i get really really tired so not feelin sleepy is nto the case with me

Reply 2
* misd this point

More cardio if ur cuttin :smile:
To build bulk, DO NOT DO LESS CARDIO, this is a myth. Cardio tones your muscles that you will build with heavy weights, there is no points of building muscles if they are not toned.

It doesn't matter whether you do light or heavy weights, BOTH will burn fat. Diet is ESSENTIAL.

And... is it fine to do workouts b4 2 hours when u r going to bed? i get really really tired so not feelin sleepy is nto the case with me

That's fine as long as you haven't eaten before you do your workout. Plus, don't go to sleep straightaway after your workout as you will feel heavy strains when you wake up, just relax for 30 minutes before going to sleep. Other than that, burning the night-oil is fine and people with a busy schedule usually do this. Imo, the morning is the best time to workout, you burn more fat because you haven't eaten anything and it relaxes you for the rest of the day aswell as getting it out of the way.
Reply 4
you shouldn't aim to burn fat by doing high rep sets though, much better just to do cardio, and lift heavy weights to maintain muscle.
Reply 5
Could someone pls explain the difference in weight training when ur trying to build or bulk and when ur trying to burn fat. Is it true that to build bulk u use heavy weights, do lots of reps and fewer sets and when burning fat it's lighter weights, fewer reps but lots of sets? or am i completely off track?

Personally I think gaining weight and losing weight is down 2 diet and cardio - as long as u experience ur burn and train intesnely - that's the ticket - obviously you should shake up ur routine once in a while 2 shock the muscles. It was the pro milos sarcev that told me about this when he did a seminar at my gym. He says Arnold only used 2 change up his routine 2wice a year and controlled his fat % and weight via diet and cardio - and this is exactly how I train and it has worked a treat 4 me.

When I want 2 burn fat I stick in cardio and diet hardcore but my routine remains the same. It's all about the burn and the pump - so what does it matter what way u get that pump. People have told me many times - high reps for fat loss etc etc - but it doesnt work 4 me.

Reply 6
ur on perfect track..
if u want to bulk.. do less cardio, heavy weights less reps
if ur cutting take light weights many sets and reps

Ok .. i want to ask one question from others
on the legs day should one do 4 exercises for EACH muscle like 4 for hamstrings 4 for quadriceps and 4 for calves and glutes
is it so?
And... is it fine to do workouts b4 2 hours when u r going to bed? i get really really tired so not feelin sleepy is nto the case with me


ur doing way 2 many excercises 4 ur legs - if u do 4 excercises per major leg msucles, u'll b doing 12 excercises - here is my routine for legs (calves, glutes, hamstrings).

3 sets reverse leg extensions
3 sets leg extenison (this gets my blood pumping and warms me up 4 the compound movements)
3 sets hack squats
3 sets leg presses or squats
3 sets calf raises
3 sets seated calf raises

This creates a great burn and pump.

The best time 2 train is wen ur body is fuelled - 2 early in the mornign and ur body cant possibly have had enough food or nutrients 2 train as hard as u r capable of and 2 late at night and ur body is almost ready 2 sleep. But pros like Jay cutler sleeps a cpl of hours after training 4 3 hours (as u grow\repair wen u sleep) then he trains again later on and does the same - he sleeps 3 times a day for 3 hours at a time - this is documented on his new DVD.

I always have a whey protein shake 1.5 hrs b4 bed, protein helps repair muscle nd so if wen u sleep u grow and repair - the protein aids it nicely.