Some will probably know that i have been ill lately. Well, 2 weeks ago i was referred to hospital. But i am waiting for an appointment. In that 2 weeks things have gotten worse. I can now no longer get up in mornings because that is the time i am most ill. I find it hard to actually eat anything without my stomach rejecting it and throwing it back up. Even though i am not eating anything because of puking it up, i am losing my appetite more and more, instead of getting hungry, i do not become hungry. Worst of all is that i am now back at school, and the mornings are making me feel like i am dying (i know it is over exagerrated but it does make you feel like that) It is like my body just wants to shut down. They are still making me take tablets that are not working. Now, i am back at school and starting GCSE coursework now, and i need an idea of how much longer it should take on average to receive this appointment.