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Reply 1
Part of it is down to how society thinks women should be I think.
Reply 2
Hormone balance probably. Plus, probably the idea of having something shoved in you is less delightful than just placing your manhood somewhere :biggrin:
Reply 3
Whats been said above but overall yes, women do need that release just as much as men.
Reply 4

one girl said she finds having a big poo more satifying :s-smilie:

Bahaha I'd rather have sex than a poo.
i'm female and i havn't masterbated in about a year and it doesn't bother me at all. so i'd say no. i can't imagine any man doing that.
Reply 7
Just not as openly, probably due to the rest of society.
I don't see how having a poo is more satifying than sexual release! :redface: She must have had a bad experience..
Reply 8
one girl said she finds having a big poo more satifying :s-smilie:

:rofl: I bet she's a laugh at parties.
Reply 9
hell yes. either by vibrating silicone or flesh.
Why wouldn't we?
Oh yes. :yes:
Reply 13
Depends really! lol
Apparently women just have lower sex drives... I was taught all this in psychology, men are more prone to promiscuity and can't go that long without having sex because they have to plant their seed. Women are more picky because they have to put much more into pregnancy and rearing a child. It's all evolution! So over time womens hormones or whatever have led them to have a generally lower sex drive than men. Although this isn't the case for everyone obviously, it would explain why you hear about men going mental when he doesn;t have sex but women can deal with it :smile:
One girl said she finds having a big poo more satifying :s-smilie:

Don't you hear those stories on H&R about girls pooing during sex (not deliberatly of course!)?

Maybe she's just one of them but too embarrassed to say that she enjoys it....?
I've never been I man. I can't really compare.

But yeah, girls feel the need too!
dear god yes.
It just can't be.
We sure as hell do. :yep:
The generalisation that men have higher sex drives than women is ridiculous. It varies from person to person, not according to gender.