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Heya, I was just wondering if anybody is thinking about doing the extra AKC lectures, or if people are already doing them. Is it worth it? How interesting is it?

I'm interested in theology and religion etc. and chose to take a half course unit in it with my BA course. So is it worth taking the AKC aswell or not?

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Reply 1
Can I just ask a few questions two?

What the hell does "AKC" stand for? Is it only possible to do "half courses" with certian BAs (like if I wanted to study the biology of monkeys as half a unit, can I take it with my BA Eng Lang and Comms?)
Reply 2
AKC stands for Associateship of King's College. It's a quite interesting course, I didn't go to many lectures last year cause I couldn't be bothered going up a couple of hours earlier (yeah, the lecture starts at 12 noon, seriously, how lazy was I?!). Anyway, I still managed to pass so it's not that hard. I guess if it's worth taking or not depends a bit on what topics the lectures will be on, last year we had a lot on ethics which was interesting, but I have no clue what the topics will be this year.
Reply 3
if i'm not wrong, akc stands for associate of kings college.. something like that anw. u basically attend lectures (which are for ppl in all courses) which are on theology and religion etc.. and when/if u pass the course, u get to put "akc" behind ur name on business cards in the future.. (someone correct me if i'm wrong)

i'm probably gonna do it.. just for fun. if it turns out to be a total waste of time, hopefully i'll be able to opt out. heh.
Reply 4
Yeah there are a lot of people in the first few weeks at the AKC lectures but most seems to disappear after a while...
Reply 5
Yeah there are a lot of people in the first few weeks at the AKC lectures but most seems to disappear after a while...

one of them will probably be me! but hey, i'll give anything a go...
Reply 6
I'll be there... Why not. :smile:
Demond Tutu visited and did some AKC lectures last year...
Reply 8
I'm always seduced by the possibility of a celebrity
Especially if he's catholic.
Reply 10
I must admit it sounds quite interesting, a bit like TOK (theory of knowledge) for all you IBers out there! :smile:
I dont wanna make it sound black and white, but what are the real advantages of this course? -is it simply just a more all round ethical perspective on matters, more general knowledge, acceptance of other cultures?

Will it mean something to companies, as in, is it well recognized?
sorry im just loaded with questions :smile: hehe
i might be interested in doing it, but i wouldnt want the work load to get too intense because i also would like to be able to work a job :smile: and earn some cash!

can i find it online somewhere?
There's no work to do other than going to a 1 hour lecture each week and then an exam at the end of the year.
Reply 12
Hmmm, I'll probably take it then. So its kinda like a religion/ethics-only General Studies then? Might as well do it if its only 1 hour a week (any excuse to meet up with new people cause I don't know anyone at all in London) and you get an extra qualification (however **** it might be).
Reply 14
Hmm the general studies of university! I might have to do it just to carry on the 'wasting time' tradition. Plus i'm trying to collect as many random letters to put after my name as possible :laugh:
Reply 15
thanks for the site btw!

a part reads:
The course begins in your first year and takes three years to complete. During that time you will take six short courses topics include aspects of morality (including medical ethics), philosophical theology (including the problem of suffering), Biblical Studies, Religious Studies and Christian doctrine. The courses for this year are Encountering the Bible and Christian Doctrine: Belief and Practice.

but im pretty much atheist... to be honest i am interesting in general religion but to study specifically about christinaity and the bible.. i dont know =\
anyone know anymore about this?
Reply 16
thanks for the site btw!

a part reads:
The course begins in your first year and takes three years to complete. During that time you will take six short courses topics include aspects of morality (including medical ethics), philosophical theology (including the problem of suffering), Biblical Studies, Religious Studies and Christian doctrine. The courses for this year are Encountering the Bible and Christian Doctrine: Belief and Practice.

but im pretty much atheist... to be honest i am interesting in general religion but to study specifically about christinaity and the bible.. i dont know =\
anyone know anymore about this?

Yeah, having read the website, the qualification seems to be even more ******* now that about 75% or even more of it seems to focus on just Christanity.

I was hoping for either a glorified RS lesson (ya know, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam etc) or maybe some ethics and morality (abortion, death penalty, cloning etc) to get the debating buds going but it seems now that is more of a glorified Sunday Church Schooling lesson more than anything else.
Reply 17
both the topics for 2005/6 are pretty christian. so i'm hoping in further years there'll be more general stuff... just thinking about philosophy and belief and all that shiz. and i imagine it's about christianity in a vaguely general, non-specific context. but let's face it, i don't know. hush... x
Reply 18
Last year we had lectures about loads of different religions, so it's probably just this year that they're focusing on christianity - I hope!!
Reply 19

I was hoping for either a glorified RS lesson (ya know, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam etc) or maybe some ethics and morality (abortion, death penalty, cloning etc) to get the debating buds going but it seems now that is more of a glorified Sunday Church Schooling lesson more than anything else.

Heh, you missed that last year then :smile: That's exactly the topics the AKC was about!