The Student Room Group
Reply 1
pheasant plucker thats my hit....B&ns all the way

and it includes banging hangover ^ yah dig
Reply 2
Diamond White, clearly..

'Twas my dad's cheap booze of choice in his drinking days...
Reply 3
Nah Diamond White is too sharp- i like Frosty Jacks.... it ain't too sweet and it ain't too sour, plus it doesn't give me stomach convulsions and vomiting the next morning..... but that is a different story which we should steer clear of..... :biggrin:
Reply 4
^ haha


R-summers own brand..was a nice drop..

polaris is low of the low..uuummm polaris
Reply 5

polaris is low of the low..uuummm polaris

Hey at 2 quid for 3 litres you can't complain! :biggrin:
Reply 6
that is price yah dig
Reply 8

Believe it or not I went to a boarding school! :eek:
However in my defense if we ignored the simple pleasures of life we would live in a very complex and confusing world.... sink to the lowest common deminator once in a while- it makes you realise howlucky you are most of the time :biggrin:

On another note I seem to be noticing we have a lot of White Lightning fans..... Come on Frosty Jacks :biggrin:
Believe it or not I went to a boarding school! :eek:
However in my defense if we ignored the simple pleasures of life we would live in a very complex and confusing world.... sink to the lowest common deminator once in a while- it makes you realise howlucky you are most of the time :biggrin:

On another note I seem to be noticing we have a lot of White Lightning fans..... Come on Frosty Jacks :biggrin:

Middle Class chavs are actually getting more and more common :p:
Reply 10
cha is harsh....we are just sick or these stereotypes...with being at boarding school...drink what we please
Reply 11
I'd imagine you could have great fun trying to say Pheasant Plucker after drinking a few bottles, I misread it twice now and I'm relatively sober..
Reply 12
haha there is a poem on the back..designed for that.hahaha
Reply 13
there is alot of cider haters here