The Student Room Group

Getting her back/the tragedy!

I am emotionally upset, here's the story. My girlfriend and I never saw each other over summer mainly because we live a distance from each other and we had holidays at seperate times. Also, her dad got ill and she said she couldn't cope to much and wanted space for some time. Anyhow, we stopped talking as much and I knew she wanted to break up but she was too scared to say for upsetting me.
I asked my best mate if she was still going out with me as he talks to her on the net alot. He said I should discuss it with her at tnhat moment so I discussed it with her and we broke up. I still have feelings for her and the reason I stopped going out with her was to spare her happiness.
Where it went really bad is the next day my best mate is going out with her, he has betrayed the unwritten code all guys should know about. He never done anything like this before and I just stopped talking to him.
I want my ex back so badly and I need hints on how to get her to want me back again, and also I want to break my 'best friend' up with her soon but I'm being too nice to do that.

that is totally out of order, you need to ignore himhe is not a good friend
Oh, poor sounds so sad...I don;t actualy know what can you do to have feeling back to you, coz you know, when you have no feelings to someone, you just cant get it, even if you want...even if you is sad, but it is so. After some time girls just regret that they broke up. May be she will regret as well. AS for me, I have distance relationships as well, we are together for almost 2 years. And it is hard for me as well, and I tried to break up some time also. But my BF "keeps the fire". If I were her, I'd probably like if you could drop evrth you have now, and just come to her city or where she lives, dont tell her you are comming, just do it, even thought it can be hard for you, make a surprize as in "Love actually" movie with notes (if you don't understand what I am talking about send me PM and I will answer you in details) it might help, as if it helped me. And so, if she has little feelings for you, it wil work, coz romance always works on girls. And she will get back. Good luck!
Reply 3
Mrs. Political
that is totally out of order, you need to ignore himhe is not a good friend

He knows how bad this has been and I want to forgive him. I just want my girlfriend(ex) back.
She's clearly not worth it (she sounds like a bit of a whore)

Reply 5
Oh, poor sounds so sad...I don;t actualy know what can you do to have feeling back to you, coz you know, when you have no feelings to someone, you just cant get it, even if you want...even if you is sad, but it is so. After some time girls just regret that they broke up. May be she will regret as well. AS for me, I have distance relationships as well, we are together for almost 2 years. And it is hard for me as well, and I tried to break up some time also. But my BF "keeps the fire". If I were her, I'd probably like if you could drop evrth you have now, and just come to her city or where she lives, dont tell her you are comming, just do it, even thought it can be hard for you, make a surprize as in "Love actually" movie with notes (if you don't understand what I am talking about send me PM and I will answer you in details) it might help, as if it helped me. And so, if she has little feelings for you, it wil work, coz romance always works on girls. And she will get back. Good luck!

I'm afraid I genrally see her everyday of the working week at college, and she lives in the middle of nowhere. I'm sure she can't be complately over me, we had something so special but we just never done anything much. I want a second chance, and where I was going to have it my best friend drops in. He should know better. I'll just be really nice to her, as if I don't care, though she already knows I was pissed off like hell.
He knows how bad this has been and I want to forgive him. I just want my girlfriend(ex) back.

if he is willing to hurt you by doing this, he is not worth your friendship
plus she doesn't want tto go back out with you- she's with him. you need to get over them both, either accept them as a couple, or ignore them both- either way they're not worth it
Reply 7
She's clearly not worth it (she sounds like a bit of a whore)



I think she is worth it. And, this will only be her 3rd boyfriend and I was probably the one she did the most with anyhow. It pains me.
Reply 8
Mrs. Political
if he is willing to hurt you by doing this, he is not worth your friendship
plus she doesn't want tto go back out with you- she's with him. you need to get over them both, either accept them as a couple, or ignore them both- either way they're not worth it

Look, I don't want to lose my best friend of 6 years. I want him to do something to help me forgive him.
i know this has been said before but he cant be that much of a friend and she really not worth it if she broke up wit u to go out wit ur mate.
Look, I don't want to lose my best friend of 6 years. I want him to do something to help me forgive him.

well he won't dump her if he likes her as well, you don't know- he might have been waiting for the oppurtunity to go out with her, also she doesn't want you, and they might be happy together