The Student Room Group
Reply 1
My mum is more prepared than I am! She has everything organised where as I am relaxed about going and totoally unprepared.......It's getting to the point of annoyance.

my mums was annoying last year, but since i knew i wasnt gona see her for 3/4 months i decided to let it pass.
difference between my mum and yours is yours does everything for you right?
mine makes me do everything, she made me write a list of things i needed to take and bla bla bla, so annoying!
My mum's bought everything for me, so I can't complain in that sense.

But I'm getting a bit tired of the same advice everyday.
Reply 3
Pure malignity
My mum's bought everything for me, so I can't complain in that sense.

But I'm getting a bit tired of the same advice everyday.

lol me too. My mum and dad have too been really great and brought me so much and sorted out all my paperwork for me, so i cant complain!
Reply 4
my mums was annoying last year, but since i knew i wasnt gona see her for 3/4 months i decided to let it pass.
difference between my mum and yours is yours does everything for you right?
mine makes me do everything, she made me write a list of things i needed to take and bla bla bla, so annoying!

No she makes me do everything. Today I had to sort out stationary!:smile: But still I can't complain.......
Reply 5
Yup, mine is exactly the same.
Reply 6
My mum is more prepared than I am! She has everything organised where as I am relaxed about going and totoally unprepared.......It's getting to the point of annoyance.

OMG!! Exactly like my mum!
Though tonight she managed to pack all my clothes into a MASSIVE suitcases with duvet and pillow and everything in that damn thing (don't ask me - don't know how the hell she did it). So now, I have all my clothes in one suitcase, zipped up, what the hell am I going to wear when I go out?!
She's insane lol! :confused:
Reply 7
Mother has been busy buying up the supermarket for me. And I'm goin into the second year!!
Reply 8
Its all about lists?!?! She says she needs lists so she's prepared...??! Its quite scary to be honest! I've been away from home for 4 months and coming back to this nagging is starting to grate. I know I should be thankful and everything... but yep, it's anoying me too! :rolleyes:
Reply 9
wow! your mums all sound amazing haha, i'm having to drag mine kicking and screaming through all this stuff. tonight i FINALLY got her to sit down and discuss whether or not i needed a laptop for uni ( i do, i really do, but just need her to pay haha) and there are like 12 days till uni! and don't even get me started on how we're going to get said laptop, as she has decided to re-decorate an entire room (new floors, walls, furniture, everything!) 2 weeks before i leave and says uni preparation will need to take a back seat until everythings finished, which she reckons will be in about a week *rofl*
ahhhh i'm going to miss her though :*-(

(however disorganised she may be :-P)
I was filling out my registration forms for the doctors today and I didn't know my NHS number and thought I'd ask my mum so I didn't have to go to the doctors for it tomorrow. I asked and she thought she had it on a card somewhere and then she started stressing so much.

She's also decided exactly how we're going to make my room cosy and she's started buying me stuff, which is great, but it's annoying when she's running around and getting totally stressed out at things.
I was sat in a pub with my mum one afternoon talking about uni when she gets out a pen and paper and starts writing a list of what I need to buy. After about 10 minutes she puts the list back in her bag and we talk about something else. We finish our drinks and just as we're standing up to leave she raises her voice... "we forgot condoms! you gotta pack some condoms!" I quietly whisper that I still have *all* the ones she made me buy last year 'just incase' freshers week prompted a complete personality turnaround, and try a dash for the door. She doesn't remember so we get "does your dad know you've got condoms stashed in your room?! When did you buy them? Why didn't you tell me? What flavour are they?(?!)" (by this time the whole of Wetherspoons is staring at us). She stops at a table, sits down, takes out the list and scrawls CONDOMS in huge capitals across the bottom, underlining three times (I walk out now and wait for her outside). We spend the rest of the afternoon adding things to the list but all I go home with is a piece of paper which ends up in fifty little pieces in the bottom of my bin.

My parents were brilliant last year though. Mum marched me round Ikea and Asda buying up lots of bargains, and Dad hired a car and took my stuff up. Dad's briliant when I'm all gloomy and worried and he sorted out the paperwork for my room when I was on holiday so I could relax when I came home. :smile:
Reply 12
I'm probably more organised than my mum cos I do the lists and almost all packing etc. But she nags and stresses and orders me to do the stuff she should do but doesn't want to :rolleyes:
Reply 13
We finish our drinks and just as we're standing up to leave she raises her voice... "we forgot condoms! you gotta pack some condoms!" I quietly whisper that I still have *all* the ones she made me buy last year 'just incase' freshers week prompted a complete personality turnaround, and try a dash for the door. She doesn't remember so we get "does your dad know you've got condoms stashed in your room?! When did you buy them? Why didn't you tell me? What flavour are they?(?!)" (by this time the whole of Wetherspoons is staring at us). She stops at a table, sits down, takes out the list and scrawls CONDOMS in huge capitals across the bottom, underlining three times (I walk out now and wait for her outside).

Ahh, sounds like a nightmare. She really asked what flavour they were :rolleyes:
Ahh, sounds like a nightmare. She really asked what flavour they were :rolleyes:

Reply 15
oh man my mum is annoying the hell out of me lol

but i spose i wouldn tget anything done if it wasnt for her so....