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Have you got two arms?
Have you got two legs?
Do you have a pulse?

You're in.
I have two arms.
I have two legs (I even have two feet!).
I have a normal pulse.

Is a head any use?
Yes, but it must be empty.
Reply 4
ha ha
The selection weekend for ULOTC is easy enough if you can run 1.5 miles in under 13 minutes, do 30 push ups and sit ups in a minute on the phys side.

On things like current affairs etc you will have to have a "debate" at silly o'clock in the morning (mine was at 5:30 on the saturday). You generally get shown what we do, get hands on with some weapons, watch afew demo's (if the weather is good you will do the assault course)

Its alot of hurry up and wait (as you will learn in the armed forces). If you get selected (you find out on the Saturday night) you get trashed in the mess, play mess games and wake up at some good awful hour on sunday morning trying to remember how to spell your own name on the atestation form and how you managed to crawl into someone elses bunk..... :confused:

Any other q's about ULOTC drop us a line as Im a second year at ULTOC.


Yep, "hurry up and wait" and "on the bus, off the bus" definitely apply! :biggrin:
Reply 7
what is the attendance like in the london otc. which night during the week, how many hours?
how many weekends a term?
where did you travel?
what was the best thing you did with them?
We are the strongest OTC, we have about 560 Ocdts that attend ULOTC.
Parade nights are Tuesdays for around about 2 hours, (1/4 of a days pay). You then go up to the mess after training and get rather lashed until the RSM looses his temper and shows you the door at 11pm, then on to Los Locos etc.

Weekend exercises are every month (maybe two in October Ex First Cadet & First Fling) You get hands on the L85 on weekend 2 in the field. There are always Adventure training weekends you can get on to as well.

Travel wise I have been to Longmoor, Crowborough, Salisbury Plan,Stanta, some god for saken ranges near the coast and afew other places.Some guys got on detachment to the RLC and spent two weeks in Cyprus this year during the summer. There is also the OTC - ROTC exchange which im going to try for this year.

Best thing i've done was playing enemy for SF training exercise.
Reply 9
What exactly is the OTC? Is it like.. Basic training, kind of? Where are they based? Any near Glasgow? Any info would be appreciated :smile:.
Reply 10
It's the officer training corps.

I'm sure people will correct me on this, but as far as I'm aware, it's like cadets - but connected to being an officer, so it'll be about leadership and things like that. And they're university based so they're usually for students.

I don't think you'll have a problem finding one at or near glasgow.
Reply 11
Mmm, I aint a student. I assumed it would be for uni folks though.
Reply 12
I guess the closest thing would be the TA then.
Reply 13
Im too busy right now. Whats involved with them anyway? Thanks for the info btw. :smile:

Reply 14
At this point, I have to warn you that my knowlegde is very limited, and other peopel will knowa lot more.

If you're interested, try where they have a TA section.

You're basically a part time soldier. You get regular pay for the days you're on duty or training. There is a committment, and you can get called up. I think like teh OTC, it's one weekend out of four, and a few longer excercises. Whereas I don't think you can get called up in OTC.

I believe you can quit at any time though.

Incidentally you mightwant to check out the websites for RAF, and the Navy, who have equivalents I believe. And the marines (while being part of the Navy) have the Royal Marines Reserve.

Oh yeah, if you are interested in rigorous training, but want to keep on the army side of things, the Parachute regiment have 4 Para, which is the TA unit.
Reply 15
Nah, I know about the reserves, was wondering what it actually involved.
Ok will give you a rough breakdown of my first year.

First off it is not cadets at all. Its a branch of the TA, you are classed as cat B, which means you cant be called up. You are free to leave at any time, however if you get selected your atestation sheet says 3 years (but they dont hold you to it)

Right first year.

Your first term parade nights are spent mainly on weapons instruction on the L85, most parade nights are spent learning about the Army, who is who, what the different badges of rank are.
You also get basic instruction on comms and getting used to PRC 349/351 and basic map reading. Also learning to care for your uniform and getting equipment to fit correctly.

First weekend was spent at Crowborough in barracks More weapons instruction, assault course, lectures on harbour drills, field hygiene and basic admin, you watch more demo’s and talk through’s on section battle drills etc. On the Sunday its normally phys and map reading.

Second weekend Longmoor, revising map reading, evening nav ex, patrolling. Demo’s on pyro’s etc. First crack at section battle drills, pairs fire and movement. Caz evac and phys/nav on the Sunday.

Third weekend Salisbury Plain (in JAN!!!Bloody cold). Let loose on patrol harbours, section battle drills, nav, CTR. Cas evac under fire and more phys.

Final weekend Stanta. Now this is a general beasting! Its your test weekend to see if you have taken on board all info. (Wont give it away.)

Second term ULOTC came up with a varied programme with things like interest periods from guys from the RLC (EOD) who are attached to SF, personal protection lessons, advanced comms, FIBUA weekend.

There is a lot more but haven’t got a lot of time to go into it now.

Reply 17
What happens in tcadets then? Are there no excercises or drills?

Apologies for the minsinformation earlier on, I thought there would be some degree of similarity.
Cant speak for the cadet side of things,was never in the ACF as a cadet.

No worries. :biggrin:
Ok will give you a rough breakdown of my first year.

First off it is not cadets at all. Its a branch of the TA, you are classed as cat B, which means you cant be called up. You are free to leave at any time, however if you get selected your atestation sheet says 3 years (but they dont hold you to it)

Right first year.

Your first term parade nights are spent mainly on weapons instruction on the L85, most parade nights are spent learning about the Army, who is who, what the different badges of rank are.
You also get basic instruction on comms and getting used to PRC 349/351 and basic map reading. Also learning to care for your uniform and getting equipment to fit correctly.

First weekend was spent at Crowborough in barracks More weapons instruction, assault course, lectures on harbour drills, field hygiene and basic admin, you watch more demo’s and talk through’s on section battle drills etc. On the Sunday its normally phys and map reading.

Second weekend Longmoor, revising map reading, evening nav ex, patrolling. Demo’s on pyro’s etc. First crack at section battle drills, pairs fire and movement. Caz evac and phys/nav on the Sunday.

Third weekend Salisbury Plain (in JAN!!!Bloody cold). Let loose on patrol harbours, section battle drills, nav, CTR. Cas evac under fire and more phys.

Final weekend Stanta. Now this is a general beasting! Its your test weekend to see if you have taken on board all info. (Wont give it away.)

Second term ULOTC came up with a varied programme with things like interest periods from guys from the RLC (EOD) who are attached to SF, personal protection lessons, advanced comms, FIBUA weekend.

There is a lot more but haven’t got a lot of time to go into it now.


When you were at Crowborough, do you remember seeing SUOTC there? There was a rumour that a couple of our bods managed to infiltrate your mess before being promptly thrown out. Any truth? Can't remember the exact dates we were there but I'm pretty sure it was LUOTC there who were marching around smartly while our lot were waltzing around nodding at officers as we walked past them and saying "hello mate".

As for cadets to OTC, cadets was more disciplined (than SUOTC anyway), more get up and go (cadets don't get paid and OCdts don't do much unless they're getting paid!) and a couple of other minor differences (weapons, rank structure). At Easter I went back to my old cadets and helped out at Easter camp which was good fun, they didn't expect much of me so got an unofficial lie in until 9am, didn't do much teaching, did a bit of drinking, just generally had a good time with all the adults and cadets.