The Student Room Group
Justice (OCD85)
I have been offer a room at Langton Close!!Anybody in here who is going to or has been in Langton Close before? How is it like? Is it true that you can walk to UCL in 20 minutes? (it seems unlikely)

some of my friends were in langton close last year, and it was a nice hall - clean, tidy and a lot of fun. yes, you can walk to ucl in twenty minutes quite easily, so there's no need to worry! :wink:
Reply 2
im there too,bit pissed off that its so far away from ucl, i will less time in bed, and longer walk from union bars in the cold wind and rain apart from that see u there!!
Reply 3
Don't worry, it really is only a max. 20 mins walk to UCL. I am not a particularly fast walker, and on the day I went to visit Langton Close, I walked from UCL (in heels! - I had an interview that day!) and it only took 20 mins tops! So don't worry, I'm sure we'll still have a great time! :smile:
Reply 4
Alrite people, i just got my stuff for langton through the post, big party on sunday night is in order bring the beer...infact everyone bring the beer
Reply 5
I'm more of a JD girl myself, but I'll bring some along! Do you know what day you're gonna move in?
Reply 6
jds good , moving in sunday i think, travelling from newcaslte on the saturday and stayin at aunties house in camberwell then movin in the morning. when are you moving in? do we have room numbers yet or is it first come first served sorta thing?
Reply 7
jds good , moving in sunday i think, travelling from newcaslte on the saturday and stayin at aunties house in camberwell then movin in the morning. when are you moving in? do we have room numbers yet or is it first come first served sorta thing?

I'm gonna move in on Saturday cos I found out that the rooms are allocated on a first come first served basis! Sucks, right?! I ended up having to take the Saturday off from work and now I have to work on Sunday! Sucks even more! I hope all the rooms are gonna be the same size though... :rolleyes:
Is it? You get a pick?!

I dont want a ground floor flat!
Reply 9
At Langton Close you can. That's what the lady said when I called up. Are you staying here?