The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i only had CAT tests in Y7, to test basic reading, writing and language skills.
I've just started sixth form and been informed we've got one but I was just hoping to find out what kind of things they will be testing us on! I vaguely remember them from lower down the school for like you said - test basic reading, writing and language skills!
Reply 3
its just to acess your needs- your best of not worring n then just go in and do your best- they'll find out if you have any problem areas n then your school will be able to help you out with the issues- i think its a good idae- its nothing to worry about!
Reply 4
i shouldn't imagine it being anything too testing, likely to be a harder version of the lower school CATs test, reading, writing and language skills to see if you can cope with A-levels. Other than that i can't see why you have to do them? not if you've passed all your GCSE's with good grades...puzzled now :confused:
oh well, i'll just have to wait and see but my initial thought like you said was that it shouldn't be anything too testing! I agree, it will most likely be a harder version of the lower school CAT tests.
Reply 6
it will most likely be a harder version of the lower school CAT tests.

It could be used to identy whether the courses you have chosen are suitable for you and pehaps be used to help set some AS Level Target Grades. I don't think we've got anything simular.

This website seems to provide more detailed information, but I'm not sure how good it is:
Reply 7
Last year in year 12 we did a ALIS test to predict our AS grades! It was like the YELLIS test you did in year 10 to predict your GCSE grades where you did logic, maths and vocabulary tests which would somehow predict what I would get for philosophy, english language, history and media :rolleyes:
Reply 8
Yes, we had ALIS tests. They were completely useless. They predicted that everyone in my law class would get a 'D' at A-level. Everyone! Fortunately, they were wrong, and most of the class got A's and B's.
Reply 9
What are CAT tests and has anyone else had to do one when starting sixth form or going to?

Any information greatly appreciated! :smile:
Thanks in advance!

CAT (or Cognitive ability tests) are tests of inherent ability with an empathsis on non-verbal or cultural biased content. The results give a rating on IQ with the ceiling being 130 - average score is 100. The results correlate with expected achievement in various subjects at varying levels, i.e. year 7, ks3, ks4 and AS/A level. The CAT score is entered on the 'PANDA' which is kept by schools and oversee'd by your county. They also provide a 'picture' of national ability levels for government.
Reply 10
We did some tests orgainised bu Durham Uni. Not sure what they were called but it seemed that no one managed to finish them completely and some of it was almost impossible (it seemed) :redface: