(I'm in this situation right now, need to know if I'm right to be reacting the way I am).
My girlfriend goes on nights out (not often, twice a month) and naturally will drink and have fun. If there's anyone who wants her to be happy and have fun it's me! I never go with her because I think she can fully relax and enjoy herself most when I'm not there, plus it's good to have her time with her friends.
However, sometimes she gets too drunk and inevitably has that slutty undignified behaviour coming out of here (obviously, she's too drunk to realise). She gets all funny and flirty, flimsy, clothes all over the place, low cut top falling even futher down..and that's a horny guy's ticket to snoop in and start grinding, touching her up and going in for a kiss.
Fortunately she's not too drunk to realise what's going on and stop it, but the morning after she feels disgusted that she let random strangers see and touch her like that...and gets angry with the situation too. She tells me, and inside I just get pissed off because I think...wtf bitch if you don't like that you start behaving like a slag just drink less then. There's a difference between drinking, for leisure, for some fun...and getting drunk.
Anyway I know I can't really tell her to do anything, or stop her, and I actually want her to have a good time but not resort to behaving the way she does. So when she does tell me I just rub it off like I couldn't care less and tell her that she should only be angry at herself for allowing it to happen. Fair enough she's not in control when she's drunk, but it is in her control to drink to the point of getting drunk.
For that day I just lose all respect for her and find it hard to think that my girlfriend actually has some class and dignity, for that moment she's just no different to those other drunk slags you find at clubs. I think, guys at clubs must look at her and think of her as just another easy drunk girl.
But I'm just wondering, maybe I'm being irrational (although I'm only feeling and thinking it, I never act on it by actually telling her to stop or anything)? Do I have a right to be angry or do I need to just chill out? I'm sure all the guys out there will know where I'm coming from, whether it's right or not for me to feel it we all know there's a part of us that gets pissed off when our gf behaves like that.
Oh, and I already know that the girls who start to condone her behaviour are only doing so because they get like that themselves. This isn't about her behaviour itself, I have no doubts about that there are no grey areas, in my mind it is clearly unacceptable. My question is whether I have a right to feel this way or should I just chill out?