The Student Room Group
Reply 1
alot of them wear hotpants, y'know.

Take a step outside?
aww, id love to go wildlife watching in another country. you could always go and will meet people there. Or i think there are companies which offer wildlife/birdwatching trips, where you can go along with other people who share your interest
aww, id love to go wildlife watching in another country. you could always go and will meet people there. Or i think there are companies which offer wildlife/birdwatching trips, where you can go along with other people who share your interest

yes that is a good idea, the only thing is those type of trips are usually quite a bit more expensive than if you arrange it on your own. But its certainly something to look inot, thanks!
i went to tokyo on my own, as i don't have any rich friends :p:
Reply 5
Aren't there websites where you can get holiday companions, or something? I suppose you run the risk of getting some internet weirdo, but something to look into.
Aren't there websites where you can get holiday companions, or something? I suppose you run the risk of getting some internet weirdo, but something to look into.

ummm lol wouldnt do that if i were you.
Fluent in Lies
yes that is a good idea, the only thing is those type of trips are usually quite a bit more expensive than if you arrange it on your own. But its certainly something to look inot, thanks!

yer i think its worth looking into, and maybe its better to pay a little extra if you get what you want.
Reply 8
Aww I'll be yr friend fluent. Are u fit?
Reply 9
If you pay me a tidy sum, I'll be your best mate, I'll chat to you and everything...
Reply 10
Fluent in Lies
I really want to go Bird/Wildlife watching in florida, but I dont have any friends [edit] that share my interests [/edit]. Life is hard.

[edit]I really dont know why I posted this now. And i dont seem to have the option to delete. Oh well.[/edit]

Lol if I knew you, I'd be happy to go with you. I love wildlife! Not so interested in birds, but what the heck I'd go! Shame I don't know you and don't have the money or time anyway though.
Reply 11
i went to tokyo on my own, as i don't have any rich friends :p:

oh man, that sounds really scary. I probably couldn't know how/where to go and where the actions were :eek:
If you go backpacking, you'll meet some people. Or you could join a club or something and find a friend with the same interests.
Reply 13
If you pay me a tidy sum, I'll be your best mate, I'll chat to you and everything...

hahahahaha You crack me up you jerk
Reply 14
If you pay me a tidy sum, I'll be your best mate, I'll chat to you and everything...

hahah great grades as well. I'm really glad you're going somewhere with your life.

Hehe, somehow you crack me up--your life, your words, your mentality.
Reply 15
Fluent in Lies
I really want to go Bird/Wildlife watching in florida, but I dont have any friends [edit] that share my interests [/edit]. Life is hard.

[edit]I really dont know why I posted this now. And i dont seem to have the option to delete. Oh well.[/edit]

Ok, not to sound like a freakshow. But, I LOVE BIRDS. I had 5 parakeets and I absolutely love them. I'm obsessed with them. OBSESSED.

Birds rule b*tches. They are better than any other animal ever....

They're so cute, intelligent, and capable of speaking to you. I know mine did.

Anyway, ok freakshow time over....

P.S. Don't be ashamed of posting what you did...because frankly this is the internet so you can say whatever you want. And noone can punch you in the process.
Reply 16
Cheers Sly. I'm never good with these typa things but I guess that was sarcasm and you really hate me? :smile:
Reply 17
Just go.... you will meet poeple along the way and also while your there.You'll have the time of your life ill bet and make some great mates in the process. :smile:
Reply 18
you dont wanna go on holiday alone? well dont go anywhere. find some mates then go.
Reply 19
Cheers Sly. I'm never good with these typa things but I guess that was sarcasm and you really hate me? :smile:

Hate is a strong word ehhhhh

No, I like you.

I think you're hilarious and I love your sense of humor (or lack of compassion) in all sobriety...............

P.S. You're showing your true intelligence with these "typa thingys" eh