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Reply 1
no your not normal.
what kind of crazy person would use 3 i mean come on THREE question marks
crazy i tell you...
don't worry-its totally normal! you don't have to be mates with a guy for the sake of it! let time do its thing and you'll find someone you love! :smile:
are you sure you're attracted to men not women?
Reply 4
ummm ok so i didnt really tell you the whole story.... i think i am bi.... bu ti dont know maybe its just a phase

i do find guys attractive though so its not that
nah, you're fine, i'm sure. its just you haven't had the right opportunities. I was the same (except for the bi bit). didn't even know any guys properly, never had a boyfriend, then came to uni, met the most amazing guy (who i'm still with) and lost my virginity within a month!

just go to uni and enjoy yourself! The right things will happen!
Reply 6

oh i really hope that happens to me

well not the virginity bit but lol...

oh i really hope that happens to me

well not the virginity bit but lol...

oy! lol
it was with my amazing guy, not some random thing!
Reply 8
oh no i didnt mean it in that way at all

so sorry if i offended you

it was to do with me as i am a christian and dont believe in sex before marriage
Reply 9
You are normal! I was nearly 18 before I found my bf and before him there had never been anyone special. At uni you're going to meet loads of people, maybe someone you really like. Don't go out with someone for the sake of it, I've had friends who've done that and it didn't make them any happier.
Reply 10
yeah thats what 3 of my best mates have done and we have all fallen out about it
Reply 11
scarlet ibis
nah, you're fine, i'm sure. its just you haven't had the right opportunities. I was the same (except for the bi bit). didn't even know any guys properly, never had a boyfriend, then came to uni, met the most amazing guy (who i'm still with) and lost my virginity within a month!

just go to uni and enjoy yourself! The right things will happen!

Well, I have to say not everyone is as lucky as Amy, but university is indeed a whole world of new opportunities. There are bound to be like-minded people and chances to meet someone you like.

Don't get too idealistic though - I was fairly crushed when I realised that I wasn't going to meet my future husband within my first term which I'd quite genuinely thought for a long time (or at least, a decent boyfriend!) I have now met someone (the infamous boy) who I am happy with, but that took until well into my second year and many people take longer than that! So don't get disheartened but do use it as an opportunity.
ok so i am nearly 19 and i have never had a boyfriend or even really been friends with a guy, never even met a guy i would consider going out with, i have only kissed a handfull of guys and never really enjoyed the experience - is this normal??

i am a bit worried about going to uni being so niave and clueless about things

Hehehehehe, you sound just like the female version of me! And dont worry, it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. If it does matter to anyone, then are too frikin shallow!

You'll be fine, just enjoy yourself, and dont do anything you dont want to!
Reply 13
well not the virginity bit but lol...

LIAR! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

It's true that the will be plenty of opportunities at university to all sorts of... things. That's what the cheap student nights are actually for!

Nah, seriously. There will be probably be upwards of 20-100 people in your class alone who are probably jsut as willing to try new things out. As longsas you don't go on the prowl for day one... people might suss you out as a man hunter!

And, for real, opportunities come when you least expect it.
Reply 14
ok so i am nearly 19 and i have never had a boyfriend or even really been friends with a guy, never even met a guy i would consider going out with, i have only kissed a handfull of guys and never really enjoyed the experience - is this normal??

i am a bit worried about going to uni being so niave and clueless about things

I think in a way you are very lucky as you will have had lots of time to observe and find out what kind of guy interests you [and see other people make all the mistakes] before you find someone.
I think you'll be very sensible and happy when you do find them, because you won't take having a boyfriend for granted.
Go you :smile:
Reply 15
ooooo thanks so much

wow u have made me totally excited about going now
Reply 16
It's normal to have a kid at fourteen, never see the father because of his ASBO; and live off benefits in a council estate...

Thank god you aren't normal eh??

If you feel fine, then you have nothing to worry about :smile:
oh no i didnt mean it in that way at all

so sorry if i offended you

it was to do with me as i am a christian and dont believe in sex before marriage

Gonna have problems being Bi then aint ya :wink:

On a serious note, I didn't have my first girlfriend until i was nearly 23 (chronic shyness) so don't worry about it.
Reply 18
enjoy uni!
I'm pretty much the same as you (cept for the Christian bit...and the bi bit). Looks like there's a bunch of us out there. I'd just say that it's worth being vigilant at uni, because I think there are unscrupulous types out there who would think nothing of trying to take advantage of wallflower types like us! (Maybe that attitude is why I'm in this situation. Hmmm.)