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Reply 1
I've never seen that used but perhaps it's suppose to be - :indiff:
It's generally a laughing emoticon used on MSN.
Reply 3
It's a laughing face - widely used MSN emoticon. And yes, it looks nothing like a laughing face - it's probably just L for Laughing.
Reply 4
It's a laughing emotion
the face of someone who is having a stroke.
Reply 6
Aha Ok Thankyou x
I thought it was more like an :erm: look.
for someone who can't be bothered to write lol
looks stupid as well
Reply 9
:L Its a laughing emotion on msn. where people use like thousands of them.

"Hi wuu2"
"nm you :L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L:L LOL lmfaor rofl "

okay not exactly that but still

Crazy Paving
I thought it was more like an :erm: look.

Same. A lot of my younger friends use it all the time on Facebook.
It kind of annoys me, but I'm not really sure why.
its the msn laughing face :L :smile:
Urban Dictionary is your friend (:L)
the face of someone who is having a stroke.

I second this. But when I said it looked like that I got abused. :biggrin:
Hi, i see :L used a lot on facebook, msn etc BUT what does it actually mean. Is it the same as : P :P

Hahah thanks
Well on MSN, it was synonymous with this emote -> :laugh:
I assume the :L is the shortcut key to 'laugh'
I always thought it was a negative I was wrong. :s-smilie:
Reply 16
I always thought it was a negative I was wrong. :s-smilie:

Lol same, I thought it was this :indiff:
Crazy Paving
I thought it was more like an :erm: look.

Me too. I thought it showed the other sides of the triangle subtended by the slanting mouth. :\
Reply 18
Haha! :l:
Reply 19
ardehaghgahfglghfla;kgjh I hate that face so so so so much. It looks so retarded. Also, I just opened MSN and typed in ':L' and it didn't show the laughing face :frown:?