The Student Room Group

Oxford 'College Fees'

I know that every University is entitled to charge £3000 tuition fees, however ive been told that oxford (maybe cambridge too?) colleges charge between £3000 - £4000 in 'college fees.' I thought at first this was for the accomodation provided by the college, which would be reasonable, but it seems this is not so.

I read that people doing a first degree get this paid for them by the LEA in addition to the actual tuition fees. However, since I am applying to do a second degree I would have to pay my own tuition fees and having to pay an extra £4000 may persuade me to just go to a different university.

Can anyone please clarify the situation before I go ringing up my LEA and/or accusing oxford of avoiding the mandatory limit of £3000 tuition fees.

Reply 1
I think college fees apply to any university having a collegiate system. (i.e. Cambridge and I think Durham?). However the amount you are reporting is quite large! My college (which is a graduate-only and thus charges slightly more expensive fees than other colleges I considered, don't know about all of them, though) charges 2050.
I know these fees, for second degree students, can be covered by scholarships but I guess you are entitled to a LEA contribution only for your first degree, which I think is fair enough, as students just about to start uni should be given preference in financial aid. It sucks, I know...but I think you are not even entitled to help toward your tuition fees if you are doing a second degree...not sure, though...
Reply 2
I think college fees apply to any university having a collegiate system. (i.e. Cambridge and I think Durham?). However the amount you are reporting is quite large! My college (which is a graduate-only and thus charges slightly more expensive fees than other colleges I considered, don't know about all of them, though) charges 2050.
I know these fees, for second degree students, can be covered by scholarships but I guess you are entitled to a LEA contribution only for your first degree, which I think is fair enough, as students just about to start uni should be given preference in financial aid. It sucks, I know...but I think you are not even entitled to help toward your tuition fees if you are doing a second degree...not sure, though...

Im quoting from :

There is an additional college fee which varies but for students starting their degrees in 2003-4 is between £3,000 and £4,000 per year. This will almost always be paid for you if you are eligible for public funding (all UK and EU students are eligible for public funding for one degree).

Perhaps you pay less because you are doing a graduate course whereas I will be doing a second undergraduate degree.

I agree that people doing a second undergraduate degree should pay their own tuition fees and had budgeted to pay £3000 per year. I just think that the ~£6000 per year tuition when you include the college fee is excessive, and is dodging the prescribed maximum limit.

Guess im going to warwick then! :cool:

Thanks for your reply.
Reply 3
Do these college fees cover rent/food etc? If not, why do you have to pay them?! Do you have to pay rent on top of the college fee?

I really don't get the whole finance at uni thing for 2006 entry, does anyone know of a simple website with information for someone like me who hasn't got a clue? : p
Reply 4
Jenski .... if you live in the EU and you are doing your first degree, you don't have to pay the college fees as long as you register with your LEA as having "Home/EU status". If you haven't done this then phone them up and they will send you a form to fill in.

Basically the college fees are tuition fees to be paid to the college (for your tutorials etc) as opposed to the university, and they are paid in full for Home students doing their first degree, by the LEA.
Reply 5
You do have to pay the college fee on top of the university fee and your accommodation. It's a pretty hefty sum- that's why you need to have about £15k ish to survive a year at Ox (that's what I read in the prospectus, and also what the college bursar said in his letter to me).

Oxbridge is dearer than other universities--that's why the facilities are world class. But if you're not funded, it sucks. I certainly wouldn't be going without my funding- it would be physically impossible as I just don't have access to that kind of money.

good luck!
Reply 6
Ahh phew! I was wondering where I was going to get an extra three grand from..!
thanks for that oxymoron and katebush : )