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How was the experience?

As a girl, I lost my virginity at 19 to a 50 year old rich man in the back of his car, and he attempted to pay me after and asked if I was a prostitute. So I guess I kind of lost my virginity as a 'prostitute'.
I dunno, Im kinda stuck between escort or some new music Cds (last £100 EMA money for the whole summer you see). What was it like was it worth it?
Reply 3
Man I wish I could go back and do it, sounds awesome.
I dunno, Im kinda stuck between escort or some new music Cds (last £100 EMA money for the whole summer you see). What was it like was it worth it?

Proof that EMA is the biggest waste of taxpayer money ever devised.

EDIT: In that people can abuse the system and it could be done in a much better way. Completely understand that most people use it in a legit way. Apologies to those I offended.
How was the experience?

As a girl, I lost my virginity at 19 to a 50 year old rich man in the back of his car, and he attempted to pay me after and asked if I was a prostitute. So I guess I kind of lost my virginity as a 'prostitute'.

Fair enough!
Reply 6
How was the experience?

As a girl, I lost my virginity at 19 to a 50 year old rich man in the back of his car, and he attempted to pay me after and asked if I was a prostitute. So I guess I kind of lost my virginity as a 'prostitute'.

Did you take the money at least? Sounds like you deserved it! :|
Reply 7
I dunno, Im kinda stuck between escort or some new music Cds (last £100 EMA money for the whole summer you see). What was it like was it worth it?

interesting experience. i didn't enjoy it, but it was educational.
Why would you pay to lose your virginity when you can do it for free at SOHO!!!! :facepalm2:
Reply 9
How was the experience?

As a girl, I lost my virginity at 19 to a 50 year old rich man in the back of his car, and he attempted to pay me after and asked if I was a prostitute. So I guess I kind of lost my virginity as a 'prostitute'.

Seriously, how did this come about? :s-smilie:
Did you even know him??
even if you can't go to a club, there are loads of despirate slags and man whores crawling the internet. with about 10 minutes work you could have saved yourself some money.

and my 2p- losing it to a prostitute is pretty ******* low.
Reply 11
disgusting, no man would ever respect you, trust me. you're no good for anything else now. He didnt even have the decency to take you somewhere nice, how ******* easy are you

I'm just curious, what's your beef with hookers? That's the second overly angry post you've made in this thread, there must be a reason for it?
interesting experience. i didn't enjoy it, but it was educational.

I see, I dunno Music or girls? help me decide
No but she promised me she was a virgin :love:
Proof that EMA is the biggest waste of taxpayer money ever devised.

Oh cmon what is the difference between spending the money on an escort or spending it on a computer game which im sure is what most students do with it?
Reply 15
Oh cmon what is the difference between spending the money on an escort or spending it on a computer game which im sure is what most students do with it?

I think that proves the point. EMA is pointless, because its never used for what it was devised for.
Reply 16
I'm just curious, what's your beef with hookers? That's the second overly angry post you've made in this thread, there must be a reason for it?

its demeaning to women, are you that stupid you cant see whats wrong with them , do you respect hookers?

And you know hookers make life harder for all other women, i hate having my gf walk through seedy parts of london and if she's just showing a bit of skin, will actually get treated like a piecce of meat with perverts trying to grab her arse and offering her cash for whatever.
Reply 17 was to a whore, but you didnt pay him. close enough to a prostitute.
Reply 18
Please chose the CDs. :puppyeyes:
I think that proves the point. EMA is pointless, because its never used for what it was devised for.

Thats not entirely true, I've bought half a shelf of books for my studies with it over the 2 years somthing which I couldnt have been able to afford to do without it as science and maths textbooks are like £40+ each