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Reply 1
Most medical schools want AAB so don't think that you will stand much of a chance with BBB predicted grades, so you will have to work your butt off and get AAB and apply after A levels. What subject are you taking too?
Reply 2
i know a few people who got a BBB offer from UCL for medicine - just coz they impressed the interviewers so much and also coz of their BMAT results so you could always try that
wats ucl - uni of london ???

wats bmat ????
Reply 4
Most medical schools want AAB so don't think that you will stand much of a chance with BBB predicted grades, so you will have to work your butt off and get AAB and apply after A levels. What subject are you taking too?

what the hell??!?! I never said that I have been predicted BBB!!!! I was just wondering if there have been any successful BBB candidates who got into med school with either BBB or a higher offer.

Please don't just assume things
Reply 5
ucl- london uni
Bmat- an addmissions test you have to sit if you're going to apply to certain med schools, eg ucl and oxford
Reply 6
ucl - university college london. bmat test is the admissions test you have to do for medicine for certain unis - i think more unis have joined for 2005, check out . its a 3 part test on science, maths, medical aptitude and then an essay.
Reply 7
UCL - University College, London. Part of University of London (!), one of five places there where you can study medicine

BMAT - Biomedical Admissions Test. Several medical schools now use it for applicants.

By the way - unlikely that these people with BBB offers were actually predicted BBB, I suspect it's more likely that they were predicted the standard offer grades (or more) but like Bet22 said, impressed so much at interview/BMAT that UCL wanted to make sure they got in.
Reply 8

By the way - unlikely that these people with BBB offers were actually predicted BBB, I suspect it's more likely that they were predicted the standard offer grades (or more) but like Bet22 said, impressed so much at interview/BMAT that UCL wanted to make sure they got in.

Yeah I heard they were giving out a few CCC to ensure those candidates would get in
Reply 9
what the hell??!?! I never said that I have been predicted BBB!!!! I was just wondering if there have been any successful BBB candidates who got into med school with either BBB or a higher offer.

Please don't just assume things

Why have you called this thread what you have then? that's what's confused matters Yes people have been given offer of BBB and Higher but not with predicted grades of BBB
Reply 10
Why have you called this thread what you have then?

the title doesn't mean that I am applying with BBB
Perhaps a better title would have been "Has Anyone had an offer of BBB or < for Medicine" yours was misleading to me anyway
I was predicted AAAa and got AABa that was back in 2002 for 2003 entry and I've only ever heard of these BBB offers I do not know anyone who actually received one.
Reply 13
i know a few people who got a BBB offer from UCL for medicine - just coz they impressed the interviewers so much and also coz of their BMAT results so you could always try that

I bet their predicted grades were much higher though.

Sorry to be harsh, but the reality is that with BBB as your prediction, you probably won't get any interviews - regardless of all the other things they look for. Predicted grade is usually the first thing they use to whittle down numbers. [edit - have read the rest of the thread. Unless you are exceptional, expect the offer that they state in their bumpf - for most places this will be AAB for 2006]
i applied for dentistry my predicted grades were abb, i got one offer for aab. all the other unis rejected me on the basis off my low grades
Reply 15
For medicine..its so competetive that they just discard any applications with less than AAB or ABB (if thats their offer) predicted grades. Someone with BBB predictions would be fairly mad to try, they'd have to have an absolutely cracking personal statement. Their reference would likely not be up scratch either if their teachers think theyre going to get BBB..doesnt suggest hard work really, which is whats required.

And dont get stressed if someone assumes its you with the BBB predictions...thats how it reads, and if its not the case theres no reason to get angry about it. Its just rude when people are giving you an answer to your question.
Reply 16
Someone with BBB predictions would be fairly mad to try, they'd have to have an absolutely cracking personal statement.

I doubt the PS of a BBB applicant would even be read (for none WAMP courses)....
Reply 17
indeed, discarded. just trying to be optimistic....

(who gets BBB predictions anyway?? ) everyone I know was predicted AAAA, well people at my school anyway.
Reply 18

And dont get stressed if someone assumes its you with the BBB predictions...thats how it reads, and if its not the case theres no reason to get angry about it. Its just rude when people are giving you an answer to your question.

I'm not angry

I'm not sure what my predictions are going to be yet, but I was just wondering IF I did get BBB prediction....
Reply 19

(who gets BBB predictions anyway?? ) everyone I know was predicted AAAA, well people at my school anyway.

Thats because my school is crap- havnt you read in one of my other posts that 9 out of 14 people in my chem AS class got U's!!!!! (excluding me)

I currently have 3 people in my A2 class!!!!!!