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Cheltenham Ladies' College

Well, I'm planning to apply to CLC for sixth form, and I want to know if anyone else (another user gave me wonderful insight about her experience) can give me some insight about the school? Like what you liked about the school; what you didn't; the good; the bad; etc. Also, any insight about Cheltenham would be appreciated as well. And only serious answers please. :/

Btw, yes I know that there are threads about this topic, but they are rather old.

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Reply 1
My friend did the exam for this last November, said it was the hardest exam she ever did. She got a place though. They're very pro-women apparently?
Reply 2
It's full of asians and is very haunted apparently, so as long as you're not racist and don't believe in the possibility of ghosts existing you should be alright. I personally find Cheltenham to be insanely boring, but thats just me. It looks nice... But thats it.
Reply 3
I visited CLC and had a short interview/test, but in the end I decided to go somewhere closer to home.


The school has really good facilities and I think you'd get a lot of opportunities if you went there. Lots of extra-curricular options etc.
It has, as far as I know, a good reputation.
It gets good results and if you're academic, you'll probably do really well in the sixth form.
Cheltenham itself is quite pretty. At least the area where the college is, around Montpellier (sp?).
When I looked around, there were people speaking in different languages and it seemed quite diverse. I think it's nice to have people who come from all over the world rather than just one neighbourhood.


It's quite large for a private school. I suppose this is only negative if you prefer smaller places.
I wasn't keen on the place. I know Cheltenham's quite pretty, but I just felt it was 'cold', if that makes sense.
I didn't apply to the sixth form so I don't know for certain, but I've heard there's a lot of competition to get in.
All the people I met when I was there were really, really confident. If you're quiet it might be a bit overwhelming?
I got the impression that the majority of people there were very wealthy and I wondered whether I'd feel out of place if I couldn't keep up with that.

As for the students themselves, it's hard to say. The ones I met were polite and friendly, but obviously there'll be some people there who are less nice.

Sorry I can't be more specific. I'm sure there'll be someone who's actually been there who will be more helpful.
The reputation is brilliant. CLC would probably get you anywhere if you want to apply for internships in places like JP Morgan and Goldman.

Most of the teachers are good at their jobs. They will push you and push you until you're dead tired, but you'd probably get the results you need to get into a good uni. If you're a humanities and art person, CLC would be great. get good teachers, but it's more of a hit and miss thing. because good teachers are brilliant and the bad teachers are crap. The history and politics department I'd say would be one of the best ones.

If you hear that students are posh and arrogant, it's probably from someone who's not going there. They can be to outsiders who are not from public schools, but among themselves, they're normal. And of course the reputation of Second hand virgin megastore. The only thing I can say is, every school get their own sluts. They're not as desperate in sixth form than when say, 3s-4s. Although I must warn you, they can be really naive in the way that they're stuck in their own world. They don't get to experience outside things a lot, sometimes to the point that non-wealthy families are like a myth to them.

Houses would probably grate on your nerves a bit when you start, but you'll get into the routine soon enough. and of course there are the boarding restrictions. Internet for one shuts of at 11pm everyday and no facebook on weekdays.

Cheltenham is big for a town actually. I've been there for six years and by the time I left I found it boring, but if you're apply for sixth form, you'd probably be fine.

If you have any more questions, you can ask me. I just graduated there last year, so I can't be that out dated.
Apparently it is brilliant there, my step auntie is a mistress there for one of the houses and she loves it. She also teaches English and PE. The teaching standard is so good there, if you can go then I highly recommend you take the oppotunity.
Reply 6
Ooh, I'm applying there for 2011 entry. I visited the school last year, but it wasn't on the best day since all the students were at the Sports Centre, so the whole place was... empty. I looooved the library, though; it's huge and from what I remember, has two floors! The House I visited had huge rooms, and half of it actually came from an old hotel - so high ceilings with chandelier-type lights and en-suite bathrooms. The school fees are insanely expensive so most people there are probably pretty rich; but since I didn't see anyone around, I have no idea how they act. Cheltenham was a nice little town when I visited; definitely boring, but I grew up in a huge city. Still, the whole point of being in Sixth Form is studying; everything else can wait until university...

I'm really scared for the examinations, though! One of the A Levels I'm planning to do is RS, and I didn't choose it for GCSE... Does anyone have any idea if people who didn't do a subject for GCSE get a different paper? Because if they don't... well, I'm screwed :P
Reply 7
Cheltenham Ladies College: (just copied this from my post on Caustica's thread!)

Pros: in Cheltenham, which is a very loverly town, brilliant festivals (like the literature one) and I am going there in about half an hour to shop (proving how awesome it is!), and I live nearby - and I rock. It's NOT boring, it's where me and my friends go when we want a big town! (the joys of living in the good old country!) Also CLC very well known known/respected: very high percentage go on to Oxbridge. Great teaching standard of course, from what I've heard, great facilities.

Cons: reputation for being snobs (which is true from what I've seen, bar one of my friends who's awesome!), so may be harder to fit in; they have to wear hideous green uniform!; all girls: I would hate that!; kind of intimidating inside? Though they have a lovely big hall thing I went to debate at once ages ago!
Hmm regarding the internship thing I think it has more to do with the university that you are at, unless you are referring to internship during the summer of Lower Sixth.

Well my friend from school got in for Sixth Form, you will be examined in all the subjects that you have chosen from IB, meaning six papers in total. She told me that there were tons of nerdy girls there at the entrance exam and none of them got in. My friend is an active member of the school, student leader and tons of voluntary work experience. She told me that extracurricular activities such as music (an instrument to Grade 8) and sport are helpful.

I'm talking about internships in Sixth Form. I got into Allen and Ovary when I was in lower sixth because of the school.
Well, I'm applying to CLC for sixth form and haven't visited the campus yet. And quite scared for the entrance exams! Does anyone have the idea of how to prepare for the coming tests?thx!
btw r there really full of international students?
Reply 11
Original post by stephaniechen

Yes... Over 30%, easily
Original post by Jackso
Yes... Over 30%, easily

that's really a lot?thx then?
Reply 13
So what syllabus would the entrance exam be for sixth form? I'm quite worried because I'm from another country and I fear that I will not be familiar with the entrance exam syllabus. Is it GCSE format?
And how is the discipline in CLC, does the internet really shut of at 11 pm? D: are the girls allowed to go out when they want to?
Reply 14
Original post by lokimpin
So what syllabus would the entrance exam be for sixth form? I'm quite worried because I'm from another country and I fear that I will not be familiar with the entrance exam syllabus. Is it GCSE format?
And how is the discipline in CLC, does the internet really shut of at 11 pm? D: are the girls allowed to go out when they want to?

Yeah, the exams are based on GCSE syllabi, except for subjects like Economics which aren't usually offered at GCSE level. However I didn't feel that the papers were like GCSE past exam papers... But maybe that's just for the subjects that I chose.
Reply 15
I applied for sixth form entry to CLC for 2011 and I was offered a place with an unconditional offer, however I've decided not to accept the offer (this was actually my 'fall-back' school). The entrance exams. were definitely not difficult, and personally, I did not revise much for the exams. (nor did I try my hardest during the exams.). The questions were based on the GCSE/IGCSE syllabus, but it should be quite similar to other syllabuses (that are of equivalent level to GCSE/IGCSE).

My best friend currently attends Year 11 at CLC, and she has told me that the internet is shut off at night. You'll probably be allowed to go out more in Sixth Form, one of the housemistresses told me that as long as you let your housemistress know where you've leaving and what time you'll be coming back, you'll probably get permission to leave the site.

Oh and there's A LOT of international students.

I have also been told (by a few people who attend the school) that people are pretty divided and, as BookWormShanti said, apparently there are many snobs.

However, I haven't myself experienced life there so I can't guarantee that all of the above are entirely true (except for the factual stuff). I hope you visit the school and have a look around; it's beautiful! Oh and to be honest, everyone were very friendly when I was there, so... who knows? Anyway, I'm sure you'll easily fit in though, as I'm guessing that there must be many different personalities there. :smile:

One thing that you should keep in mind though, is that the school is quite large (in terms of independent boarding schools).

Hope that's helpful!
(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 16
Original post by n.confused
I applied for sixth form entry to CLC for 2011 and I was offered a place with an unconditional offer, however I've decided not to accept the offer (this was actually my 'fall-back' school). The entrance exams. were definitely not difficult, and personally, I did not revise much for the exams. (nor did I try my hardest during the exams.). The questions were based on the GCSE/IGCSE syllabus, but it should be quite similar to other syllabuses (that are of equivalent level to GCSE/IGCSE).

My best friend currently attends Year 11 at CLC, and she has told me that the internet is shut off at night. You'll probably be allowed to go out more in Sixth Form, one of the housemistresses told me that as long as you let your housemistress know where you've leaving and what time you'll be coming back, you'll probably get permission to leave the site.

Oh and there's A LOT of international students.

I have also been told (by a few people who attend the school) that people are pretty divided and, as BookWormShanti said, apparently there are many snobs.

However, I haven't myself experienced life there so I can't guarantee that all of the above are entirely true (except for the factual stuff). I hope you visit the school and have a look around; it's beautiful! Oh and to be honest, everyone were very friendly when I was there, so... who knows? Anyway, I'm sure you'll easily fit in though, as I'm guessing that there must be many different personalities there. :smile:

One thing that you should keep in mind though, is that the school is quite large (in terms of independent boarding schools).

Hope that's helpful!

:eek: You got an unconditional offer? Wow! My offer was dependent upon 6 A/A*s with A*s at the subjects I wanted to do for A Level. You must've really impressed them :wink: CLC was actually the only school which gave me a conditional offer, boo :mad:
Original post by lokimpin
So what syllabus would the entrance exam be for sixth form? I'm quite worried because I'm from another country and I fear that I will not be familiar with the entrance exam syllabus. Is it GCSE format?
And how is the discipline in CLC, does the internet really shut of at 11 pm? D: are the girls allowed to go out when they want to?

Discipline is high there. 1st year girls have a set time in which they can go to Waitrose/shops in town (though this it to the house mistress' descretion) (I recall 1-2 or 3pm) on saturdays. 2nd year girls are allowed to roam without supervision to Waitrose/town from 1pm so long as they are back by 3 or 4pm.

This is what I recall reading while I was there in the summer.
Reply 18
Original post by Caustica
:eek: You got an unconditional offer? Wow! My offer was dependent upon 6 A/A*s with A*s at the subjects I wanted to do for A Level. You must've really impressed them :wink: CLC was actually the only school which gave me a conditional offer, boo :mad:

Well, CLC basically told me that I need to make sure that I get 'acceptable' (that was not the exact word they used, but sth like that... can't remember! :tongue:) grades on my IGCSE. I pretty much assumed that meant A/A*s on the subjects you would like to do in sixth form, which is basically the same thing (they were just not specific about it?). I can't have impressed them that much... I pretty much made up my answers for half of the chemistry paper, haha! :tongue:
I have a friend that boards there... has been there since Year 9. She seems to really like it and I've never heard anything bad about the place. She's in Lower Sixth now.

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