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Yet another subfusc question!

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Reply 20
Phil - if you're not really sure about things, which is fair enough, you could wait until getting to Ox itself - there will be lots of people to help you and the shops are well used to providing what is required and giving advice!

People here are being organised but you can just wait until you get to Ox! (Though there's the aspect of cost - a normal suit would probably be cheaper elsewhere, or from a placve like M&S)

thanks for the advice...i'll try chill out a for a kettle and toaster should be far easier:d
Reply 21
Possibly not if your college is very fussy about getting all your electrical stuff checked :p: :wink:
Reply 22
PLEASE don't start on that again ....
this forum seems to be on a two track mind at the moment!
Reply 23
Ok, I thought this subfusc thing would be simpler...I hope it won't be such a confusing mess for women too! :eek:
Just a question...somewhere I read you can wear a tie or a ribbon...I'd rather go for the black tie to tell the truth...or am I supposed to wear the ribbon thingy? :confused:
Reply 24
I've never seen anyone wearing anything but the black ribbon - I didn't even kow you could wear a tie.
Reply 25

Just received my gown through the post this morning and it has these long strips of material hanging down the back, just wondering if those are meant to be there and if so, what are you supposed to do with them?

smack hysterical people with them pre exams.
tie yourself to attractive men with them.
tie your friends to lamposts with them & wrap them in clingfilm.
tie helium balloons to them & try & make people float.

*nostalgia for those all-important long material strips* :p:

Secondly, I read somewhere that stiletto heels are banned for matriculation. Is this so? and if so, what counts as a stiletto heel? cos the shoes I was thinking of wearing I would not exactly class them as stilettos but they taper down to a bit of a point at the bottom of the heel! Would these be banned?

hmm, i wore (& wear!) heels for subfusc. there's a pic of my very shoes & in fact my body from the neck down in the 'age old question' thread if you're especially intrigued. :wink:

re. neckwear - i've never heard of/observed the black tie option as opposed to ribbon.
Ok, I thought this subfusc thing would be simpler...I hope it won't be such a confusing mess for women too! :eek:
Just a question...somewhere I read you can wear a tie or a ribbon...I'd rather go for the black tie to tell the truth...or am I supposed to wear the ribbon thingy? :confused:

You have to use the ribbon, but you can tie it just like you tie a tie :biggrin: (can't think of any other appropriate words!)
a white bow tie! bloody unusual! Do they sell that in the gown shop in Oxford? And can i also wear a white bow tie to dinners or whatever or will it look weird using the same tie?!? This is really getting complicated now! They should have a greater provision in etiquette training in comprehensives, hehe. :rolleyes:

I know how you feel, I was in the same boat. White bow ties are surprisingly easy to find. As are black for that matter - I found some in Debenhams!!
And try to get them before you come - they charge more here. You should be able to get them for a tenner each.

As far as suits go any decent suit will do. I use the same suit for Sub-fusc and DJ but change the tie. A point about shirt you get. Try to get one that doesnt use cufflinks. I wear cufflinks for sentimental reasons but they get in the way for exams - so I'd avoid it if possible :rolleyes:
Reply 28
F1 fanatic

And try to get them before you come - they charge more here. You should be able to get them for a tenner each.

:confused: Shepherd and Woodward do 3 different white bow ties for under £10...
Reply 29
:confused: Shepherd and Woodward do 3 different white bow ties for under £10...

They cost a tenner in Tie Rack too (well, the self tie ones do)
:confused: Shepherd and Woodward do 3 different white bow ties for under £10...

I was guestimating. I should have said around a tenner. I can't actually remember how much I paid for mine :rolleyes: :redface:
Reply 31
£10 white bow in M&S.
Why are all the trousers odd sizes though? If I find any that are long enough, they're too wide, and all the ones which are narrow enough are too short...
Reply 32
£10 white bow in M&S.
Why are all the trousers odd sizes though? If I find any that are long enough, they're too wide, and all the ones which are narrow enough are too short...

Are you sure you're holding them the right way round? A handy way to remember is that the zip on the flies should go up to down, rather than left to right.