The Student Room Group
Mappin Building
University of Sheffield
Reply 1
On th back it says to return the form with your GP's report.

It doesn't mention whether you have to get a GP's report from your GP, or whether you have to see them about it or anything!

I'm confused!!! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

What? yes, go to your GP and ask for the information you need, what other choice do you have?
Mappin Building
University of Sheffield
Reply 2
Does it mean report about injections?
Reply 3
It doesn't give you any clue at all really! I think I'll send it off. They hae my GP's details so can get one direct from them if they need anything.
Reply 4
Is it asking about your Hep B and rubella vaccinations? If yes, you should have a blood test to check your level of immunity, and then you send the lab report to them, so they can be sure you haven't just made the results up.

How come you are just doing it now? I thought they sent the forms out ages ago?
I Thought The Deadline Was 31 July!!
Reply 6
I'm coming through clearing, and only got my form on friday along with details for the departmental introductory talks etc blah blah