The Student Room Group

Forgot UCAS Username/Password

I filled out the ucas card form a while ago, and do not remember my username or password. I then went to check the "apply" section on the ucas website and was asked for a username and password if already registered. Would this be the same information as my ucascard information or do I have to register again? When I clicked the lost login details option it still couldnt help me. What do I do?
just give them a call, and they send you a new password.
Reply 2
Will they be able to give me a new username and password?
Reply 3
you should be able to use the forgot password form to get it resent to your email? Click the link under the login
just phone em i did the exact same thing last year and they send me it by email
Reply 5
Thanks guys, got the number. Only open Mon-Fri, hopefully it will all be sorted soon!
