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Go to Spain and do anything.
Reply 2
Basically, yeah, any job in a Spanish-speaking country.
Alternatively, I guess you could try jobs like in tourist information offices, or basically anywhere where there is a high chance of meeting foreign people (so mostly tourism).
Reply 3
Spanish embassy :ahee:, and their consulates in other cities, ask your MEP if they know of anything, translators etc.
Reply 4
Going on holiday to Spain could count to be honest if you mention things such as interacting with the locals.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but how important is work experience like this when applying for modern languages?
Reply 6
I'd like to know this too :biggrin:
For how long? You could try being an Au pair in Spain?
Reply 8
Talk to your teachers?
My teacher told to talk to this interpreter person to gain some experience about that kinda work.

Then again, I also lived in Spain but I don't know if that matter or not :/
I did a week of work experience at a French primary school, it was great, so maybe something like that? Mine was arranged by my school, but if you have any spanish exchange friends see if you can go and stay with them for a week or so and contact their local schools/town hall or something. It doesn't ever hurt to ask :smile:
Reply 10
Sorry to hijack the thread, but how important is work experience like this when applying for modern languages?

Not very, really.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but how important is work experience like this when applying for modern languages?

I don't think it's a disadvantage if you don't have it, as long as you can make up for it with other language related things, put it that way. I had none when I applied and was fine with offers. It'd show that you're keen definitely and that you're open to trying new things but I don't think it's essential.
I did a week with a translating company - it was really interesting and a good thing for my application as it gave me lots to talk about, as well as my languages, plus there were loads of apprentices from all around the world, so we chattered to eachother in lots of different languages all week.

Try googling translation companies in your area, there should be at least one. If not try Wolfestone, it's where I did mine and they're very eager to have work experience people. Would involve you going to Swansea though lol.
Reply 13
I did a week with a translating company - it was really interesting and a good thing for my application as it gave me lots to talk about, as well as my languages, plus there were loads of apprentices from all around the world, so we chattered to eachother in lots of different languages all week.

Try googling translation companies in your area, there should be at least one. If not try Wolfestone, it's where I did mine and they're very eager to have work experience people. Would involve you going to Swansea though lol.

Seeing as you're from nearby, can you talk me through how to do this? I'd love to! :biggrin:
Lewis :D
Seeing as you're from nearby, can you talk me through how to do this? I'd love to! :biggrin:

Yup will PM you now.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but how important is work experience like this when applying for modern languages?

Completely unimportant. Only matters if you're applying to somewhere like oxbridge I guess as you need pretty much everything to set yourself apart from other candidate :smile:
Reply 16
some other places in swansea you could try with lanuages are :-

"Backcheck" which is a company that checks records about debts, HR, criminal, etc across europe.

"HSBC" bank which has operates an international banking service from swansea.

there's also a website in wales that advertises work placements called graduate opportunities wales
Not very, really.

I don't think it's a disadvantage if you don't have it, as long as you can make up for it with other language related things, put it that way. I had none when I applied and was fine with offers. It'd show that you're keen definitely and that you're open to trying new things but I don't think it's essential.

pomme de terre
Completely unimportant. Only matters if you're applying to somewhere like oxbridge I guess as you need pretty much everything to set yourself apart from other candidate

Good, this is what I wanted to hear. I have work experience and volunteering but the problem is it's not languages related. At least I'll have a few things to talk about.
Reply 18
Sorry to hijack the thread, but how important is work experience like this when applying for modern languages?

Not really!! I've applied for french and spanish and I have no modern language work experience (just primary teaching experience lol)
Reply 19
Go to portugal and start a spanish school lol