The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Just drink one glass of water to one alcoholic drink.
the best thing to do is, befoer you go out fill up a pint glass wiht water and put it on your bedside table... when you get home no matter how much you have drunk that one pint of water will help flush some of that alochol, becasue you are getting rid of the alcohol anyway as you are drinking it, you dispose of 1 unit every hour and the pint of water will allow a dlush of your system and should prevent you from having a hang over.... its not 100% efective especially when u drink large amounts in a very short time... but if you are sensible with your drink then it works a treat!
Reply 3
do you mean you drink it before going out, or have it when you come back? or do you just leave it on the table forever..
Reply 4
One pint, in my experience, never seems to be enough water. One pint, the one pint of water seems unrealistic to me, but a good two pints before bed and possibly some water in between seems like the best dehydration cure.
Reply 5
theres no exact amount, it depends on a lot of things like your body, your current state of hydration, temperature, loads of other things. Just have a litre of water and you should be okay. and avoid smoking