Don't make fun of this post because I'm being honest...
I tries the Maths Test for actuarial science and I got 13/55, which I know is appalling. I found the things I could do really easy and the things I struggled with impossible, like I had no clue.
S anyway, if anyone knows how I can find an example for one of the less mathematical courses, ie business studies / management, I would be extremely grateful.
All that's cheering me up at the moment is the knowledge that to do Actuarial Science you need A grade A-level maths. So since I only have my A-grade GCSE in Maths, I think that 24% is not too bad...
If anyone has any helpful information about this test, please post here because the other thread turned into accusations of geekiness. I don't mind if you think that of me but keep it to yourself!