The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Eat some food which is high in carbs, that may give you the energy you need to make it through the night, but seriously you need to sleep, you cant deprive your body of sleep, it just wont work.

I don't know if this is the best advice, but meh i tried.
Reply 2
I haven't slept for a while and I'm going out tonight... and want to have a good time.

What are the best things I can eat/drink/do ?

Not really enough time to sleep, only 2 hours and I think that'll just make me feel more tired.

red bull? coffee? coke?
Reply 3
I haven't slept for a while and I'm going out tonight... and want to have a good time.

What are the best things I can eat/drink/do ?

Not really enough time to sleep, only 2 hours and I think that'll just make me feel more tired.

I always get my 7:43 hours or whatever the optimum is meant to be now.

Pro plus, caffeine, Red Bull, snakebite- VK ice if you can stomach it.
Reply 4
a cup of coffee and a cold shower b4 u leave. That ought to keep u fresh throughout. :wink:
Reply 5
I normally find the best thing to do is kind of hyper yourself up. It's really hard to do intentionally, as it's something that normally just happens, but if you can get yourself hyped up, itll take alot to bring you back down!!
Reply 6
Reply 7
thank for the help, Ill try this stuff. I think cold shower will wake me up a little!
Maybe go for a jog and do some exercises then go straight in, then it's not so bad and you get used to it.
if i was in your position, i'd just pro-plus it...
Reply 9
I'm intrigued...
Reply 10
I'm having the exact same problem... think I'll have to be on Vodka Redbulls all night.
Reply 11
Pro plus all the way!
Reply 12
put on some cheesy pop and dance around your living room in your pants!
Reply 13
What is pro plus?

and I'd like to retain any respect my parents have of me, so no dancing to cheesy pop, but thanks for the suggestion!
Reply 14
Ill tell you one thing, you get drunk a hell of a lot faster if you haven't slept for a while
Reply 15
I haven't slept for a while and I'm going out tonight... and want to have a good time.

What are the best things I can eat/drink/do ?

Not really enough time to sleep, only 2 hours and I think that'll just make me feel more tired.

Foods that will give you a quick burst of energy, like bananas, carrots, etc. Although being high-glycemic, they'll also bring you down fast too. You might try something with caffeine, but really, getting a bit of sleep is best imo.
What is pro plus?

and I'd like to retain any respect my parents have of me, so no dancing to cheesy pop, but thanks for the suggestion!

Pro plus is a caffine supplement/tablet. And at least you have respect left I lost home after returning home completley smashed. :frown:
Just get pissed, you'll be alright.
Reply 18
I normally find that a spoonful of coffee beans can work...But be warned use only in extreme circumstances...the high level of caffine can leave u on a tweak for hours and since it isnt diluted it works more effectively. Also be warned of its horrible taste..even though coffee can taste nice...a spoonful of coffee beans certainly doesn't
Reply 19
grap a quick-powwer nap!!...
also as some one has already mentioned get hyper!! when you out try not to stand still or sit too much!- dance!!!...go outside for regular hits of the cold fresh air!