The Student Room Group

Double Business as an A level?

Hey and thank you for taking the time to look over my thread :p: i would greatly appreciate it if you could offer your advice on this double a-level? Is it any good? i am hoping to do some sort of business orientated degree at university and have choosen the following alevels: Double Business, Geography and Philosophy and Ethics, are any of these regarded...will they help me get a place at a good uni? Why is business regarded so low? :s-smilie: Please offer honest advice thank you agen :rolleyes: :smile:

Chrissy x x

P.s i got As and Bs at GCSE
Reply 1
I think those subjects are absolutely fine:biggrin:! I'd give up Religious Studies ANY time to study Philosophy and Ethics :frown:!
Anyway, what is double business btw?
Reply 2
just business alevel but you do and extra three more units, and get 2 alevel from it rather than the one! i dont think im gonna get anywhere with it am i? and that makes me v sad!
Reply 3
are we talking about the avce here?
Reply 4
no its a level double award business studies, with single business you complete 6 units within the two years however with double business you complete 12 units! if i wanted to do business degree what alevels should i take ?
Hey and thank you for taking the time to look over my thread :p: i would greatly appreciate it if you could offer your advice on this double a-level? Is it any good? i am hoping to do some sort of business orientated degree at university and have choosen the following alevels: Double Business, Geography and Philosophy and Ethics, are any of these regarded...will they help me get a place at a good uni? Why is business regarded so low? :s-smilie: Please offer honest advice thank you agen :rolleyes: :smile:

Chrissy x x

P.s i got As and Bs at GCSE

Double award A-level is quite a lot. If you can handle it go for it. The other 2 subjects (Geography and Philosophy) are good, as those subjects are respected and include some kind of essay writing. In the end, you will have 4 A-levels (double Business, Geography and Philosophy). If your offer is based in points, you will have a good advantage.

Frosty Phantom
I think those subjects are absolutely fine:biggrin:! I'd give up Religious Studies ANY time to study Philosophy and Ethics :frown:!
Anyway, what is double business btw?

Double business is a subject that i worth 2 A-levels. Only certain subjects can be 'double' (e.g. ICT, travel and tourism, business, leisure and recreation, science, performing arts, etc...). They can be also worth 1 A-level too. Single award in a certain subject is worth 1 A-level, while a double award subject is worth 2 A-levels. These are called GCE AS/A Applied courses. In this case it's called GCE AS/A-level Applied Business.

no its a level double award business studies, with single business you complete 6 units within the two years however with double business you complete 12 units! if i wanted to do business degree what alevels should i take ?

If you want to apply to good universities to do a Business degree, I would recommend you to do Maths along with the other subjects you like to do.
Reply 6
just business alevel but you do and extra three more units, and get 2 alevel from it rather than the one! i dont think im gonna get anywhere with it am i? and that makes me v sad!

Are you sure its an extra 3 units? I would have thought it would be an exta 6. AS is 3 units, and Alevel (AS + A2) is 6 units. I thought 12 in total would be needed for double award status?
Reply 7
no its a level double award business studies, with single business you complete 6 units within the two years however with double business you complete 12 units! if i wanted to do business degree what alevels should i take ?

yes, the avce (or whatever it has now changes it name to) is 6, or 12 units, one or two years respectively. i have just completed it. it is the equivilent of 2 a levels. 9 units does not = 2 a levels.
Reply 8
maths alevel? i do not enjoy maths and so am affraid i will do bad in this subject, do you think double business will be regarded! I enjoy biology and got an A in GCSE for it, is that worth doing and dropping a business? remembering i want to do a business degree? im soo confused lol
Are you sure its an extra 3 units? I would have thought it would be an exta 6. AS is 3 units, and Alevel (AS + A2) is 6 units. I thought 12 in total would be needed for double award status?

If you take double award, you take 6 in AS (first year), and another 6 in the second year. Altogether you have 12 units, which makes 2 A-levels.

maths alevel? i do not enjoy maths and so am affraid i will do bad in this subject, do you think double business will be regarded! I enjoy biology and got an A in GCSE for it, is that worth doing and dropping a business? remembering i want to do a business degree? im soo confused lol

It depends which university you want to apply to. I would check their entry requirements. If you don't enjoy Maths, don't take it. No point taking a subject you won't enjoy. I know some universities only require GCSE Maths at grade C or above for Business, so you will be alright.

Most universities will accept single or double award Business. Again, I know some universities don't accept Applied subjet (single or double). Check the university entrance requirements.
Reply 10
maths alevel? i do not enjoy maths and so am affraid i will do bad in this subject, do you think double business will be regarded! I enjoy biology and got an A in GCSE for it, is that worth doing and dropping a business? remembering i want to do a business degree? im soo confused lol

Ive taken single AS business and continueing it to A2 next year. I did enjoy it, and it wasnt too difficult, but tbh business isnt regarded and respected very well. Dont do maths if you dont enjoy it, but it would be a very good qualification to have. Since you enjoy biology and are good at it, i would say take it for alevel. It a lot more respected as a subject than business is. What about not taking double bus and taking single bus plus biology?
Reply 11
lol i dont see the point! basically the harsh reality is that i cannot complete the alevels i am very good at and enjoy, as i face not being accepted into a good university as these a levels are not regarded in the eys of others!! say i was to get all A's in these a levels would this change anything?