The Student Room Group
Reply 1
My dad, I believe. I'm told it doesn't taste great but is all natural and so on.
Reply 2
I suffer from IBS but don't drink anything for it... although lol prehaps I should.
Reply 3
It's driving me bezoomy!!!!!!! I can't eat or drink anything without my tummy bloating to the extent that I look pregnant. The Dr said I should try Fybogel and it is working but it's vile! :smile:
Reply 4
My Mam had to take Fybogel for a while, she didn't like the taste so mixed it with fresh orange juice, not water, and it tasted bearable. Mind you she was taking the orange flavour Fybogel, which one are you taking? Just you can get different flavours, they might taste a tiny bit nicer?