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Reply 1
Sean Connery is a testament to the fact that on certain men, grey hair can be very sexy :p:
I think females might find it more attractive than males
Reply 3
One of my female friends seems to think so.
yesh mish moneypenny, the ladiesh prefer a shilver fox.
Reply 5
It has to be!
i think women like grey hair as it show the man is mature and is experienced and refined, i think its the image given off in films that men that are ageing and have grey hair are all romantics and will treat a woman right... i think its all psycological... but then again, somewomen may jsut find t attractive... anyone have simular thoughts to me???
Reply 7
Sexy? It would depend on a) the persons looks b) how well groomed they are [how they do their hair].

I don't think I'll ever allow myself to go grey, I'd rather just have my hair coloured, to be honest. I think it's unnecessary to have grey hair.
Reply 8
Something like that (not me though) - although I actually saw a younger person with greying hair and it actually looked pretty good. It grew from the crown of her head in such a way that it appeared to be dyed...
Reply 9
Sexy? It would depend on a) the persons looks b) how well groomed they are [how they do their hair].

I don't think I'll ever allow myself to go grey, I'd rather just have my hair coloured, to be honest. I think it's unnecessary to have grey hair.

Stress. Anxiety. It happens. If it too coloured it can look fake anyway.
ok im confused most people posting say it is- but the poll says its not! lol
i think women like grey hair as it show the man is mature and is experienced and refined, i think its the image given off in films that men that are ageing and have grey hair are all romantics and will treat a woman right... i think its all psycological... but then again, somewomen may jsut find t attractive... anyone have simular thoughts to me???

Amen to that-as long as it isn't an 18 year old guy who is going grey-they must be at least 30.
Reply 12
I think grey hair is quite sexy and distinguished looking on SOME guys - it depends on what the man looks like in the first place though! I've fancied the odd silver fox in the past. :rolleyes:
Reply 13
Depends on so much: the kind of grey (silvery or like rock), how it suits you, etc.
i have a couple and by the looks of the votes - it aint good news! :rolleyes:
Reply 15
On Richard Gere it is...phwoaar!!! :biggrin:
Reply 16
ergh wtf :wtf?:
i think there should be an options named "yes, on george clooney, Sir sean connery, richard gere etc etc
i fink its worse when uve got really black hair. Ive got a few grey hairs (im 19) but im not too bothered cos a) i can always dye it and b) i fink my natural hair colour [which is kinda like richard geers] compliments grey lol
Reply 19
It can make you look more sophisticated and smart but not sexy