I return in triumph, as resident physicist.
Physics at Durham, for the first year at least, is 1 module out of 6 for practical.
You are right. Practicals (or labs, as we call them) are the spawn of Satan, but when you come to the end of your year, and you realise that you've already got a starred first in one module, you're kinda glad that you invested 3 hours a week doing labs.
As someone who studied A2 Phys, Chem and Maths too, I can tell you that it'll be fine. Further maths just means that you've already covered some stuff, but don't worry about it.
"Maths and Physics" students have 6 compulsory modules in the firstyear, which is basically the normal physics ones, and triple maths instead of double. As a Physicist, you can volunteer for extra geek points, and do triple maths, but most of us do double maths, and have a free elective, and most people choose to do Astro for that, but I'd suggest you look at other modules too, especially philosophy ones, if you're interested in doing one. here;s the layout of modules:
PHYSICSi = lots of small sub-subjects
PHYSICSii = 3 hard big subjects
LABS = labs
ASTRO = astronomy module, but this is elective, so you could choose something else.
SINGLE MATHS A - some maths
SINGLE MATHS B - some more maths
Right, that's what I did, Physics i and ii are a double module, but some natural scientists can take half (it's complicated and not worth worrying about).
The first three, as a physicist, are compulsory, and you can either do what I did, i.e. SMA, SMB + elective, or you can do "CORE MATHS A" and "CORE MATHS B". CMA is a double module, and CMB is a single, but CMA is SMA plus other stuff, and CMB is basically SMB. right, hoping you're still following.
SMA+SMB is the minimum you can do mathswise, so if you do decide to do Core, you have to do BOTH CMA and CMB to cover the whole syllabus, and thus can't take a free elective, like astro, philosophy or japanese for beginners.
This probably sounds a lot more complicated than it really is, so PM me, or add me to MSN if you need more help. Alternatively, post here.
And I can't envisage anybody envying anybody for doing extra maths.