The Student Room Group

Boyfriend staying over in halls

Hey, I'm going to start a course at QMUL on saturday, my boyfriend of nearly 2 years will also be studying in London. At the moment in our hometown he stays over my house a couple of nights a week. We'd like to keep doing this at uni but is that acceptable in halls? Do people's boyfriends and girlfriends stay over? Will the people who share my kitchen and living space mind if he's there 1 or 2 nights a week? In your experience what happens? Thanks x

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Hey, I'm going to start a course at QMUL on saturday, my boyfriend of nearly 2 years will also be studying in London. At the moment in our hometown he stays over my house a couple of nights a week. We'd like to keep doing this at uni but is that acceptable in halls? Do people's boyfriends and girlfriends stay over? Will the people who share my kitchen and living space mind if he's there 1 or 2 nights a week? In your experience what happens? Thanks x

mines comin to stay quite often hopefully. just be courteous and check with your flat mates that they mind
Reply 2
im at uni with my boyfriend ..and hes gona stay over a lot..i hope its allowed hehe ;
Reply 3
dont see the problem tbh - like soapy said, aslong as you dont take the pee and keep things quiet :wink:, then it should be ok :smile:
Reply 4
I stayed over with my girlfriend almost all the time she was in hall some of the terms in her third year. Since I'd been at the hall myself, but finished the previous year, they knew who I was, and didn't say anything, but I couldn't help feeling that I was taking the piss staying there as long as I did.

Reply 5
Will the people who share my kitchen and living space mind if he's there 1 or 2 nights a week? In your experience what happens? Thanks x

They'll probably think you're pretentious and they'll get jealous of you getting some action and making too much noise. The only solution is to share your boyfriend with your new flatmates.
Reply 6
its always worth informing the halls security office for fire drill purposes. They normally give a set of procedures in the first week.
Reply 7
Yeh, its fine, and for gods sake you don't need to ask your other flatmates whether or not its OK..
Reply 8
No its not, its none of their bloody business - what if you ask them and they say 'no, I don't want your partner round here' what are you gonna do, say, 'Oh, nevermind then!' ?
Im sure theyll prefer the same person staying over all the time than a different one every night! Although i guess that could make things interesting...
Reply 10
my bf and i practically lived in each other's places last year and it went ok. we did get a few looks after being caught in the kitchen. and the showers. and the toilets. but nothing major in terms of agro, just amusement really
Reply 11
Just make sure that he only uses your things. If i woke up to find a flatmates b/f eating my bacon, i'd not be a happy bunny.
Reply 12
It's fine as long as you're not going to make loads of noise. There's nothing worse than hearing other people have sex.
My housemate's girlfriend used to stay over every night; in fact, she practically lived in our house. I didn't mind at all - the house was cleaner when she was around (I lived with 5 other guys). I think your housemates will be fine with it - just as long as you don't take over the shared living space (kitchen, dining area) doing couply stuff like having romantic dinners or eating each other whilst watching tv!
Reply 14
I use to stay over to Pooley House in QMUL many times, once we got 5 people in 1 pooley house room lol, No1 sais anything, one ma mate she had her cousin stay over with her for most the year at QMUL. Its all good.
Reply 15
You definitely need to check with your housemates first - it's not like they're going to say no, but they need to be informed that a stranger is going to be wandering around their house at night! It's only polite to let them know!

Also, when I was in halls my contract said that I had to give the hall warden written notice if I was going to be 'entertaining guests overnight'. I never did, of course, and I don't think anyone really expects you to, but it's worth checking where you stand.
Reply 16
A silly question, but where would your bf sleep? a single beds surely too small? lol i wouldnt like to sleep on the floor every night i visited my boyfriend (luckily were going to the same uni in the same hall!!)
Reply 17
A silly question, but where would your bf sleep? a single beds surely too small? lol i wouldnt like to sleep on the floor every night i visited my boyfriend (luckily were going to the same uni in the same hall!!)

hehe, a single bed is not too small! its just cosy :smile:
I feel lost when i sleep in a double bed with my girlfriend these days!
Reply 18
When my boyfriend was at uni i stayed a couple of nights like every 3weeks in his halls, no one ever had a problem and lots of people had mates or partners to stay.

But i would say its best not to have him there all the time.
Everytime i visited there was a girl there who visited her bf every weekend (despite having just started uni herself elsewhere) and lots during the week.
This really made it hard for her bf to get close to other people on his floor because she always wanted him to do "couple" things.

In the end, my bf and his mates kinda stopped inviting him out because he always turned them down. He looked really pathetic to be honest

And now thet've split...........he finds himself all alone cos he never made the effort to find the right balance
Reply 19
Hey, I'm going to start a course at QMUL on saturday, my boyfriend of nearly 2 years will also be studying in London. At the moment in our hometown he stays over my house a couple of nights a week. We'd like to keep doing this at uni but is that acceptable in halls? Do people's boyfriends and girlfriends stay over? Will the people who share my kitchen and living space mind if he's there 1 or 2 nights a week? In your experience what happens? Thanks x

What do you think students do during the night, if they are not out partying? Sit and twiddle their thumbs?

It wouldn't be a proper student hall if bfs/gfs couldn't stay over...