The Student Room Group

Just passed out

This is considerably embarassing for me. I went to Lloyds pharmacy to have a diabetes test. It is only a pin prick, but the women was really rough with my finger and kept squeezing it for ages and it never worked. All of a sudden I felt faint and started to black out. I feel so stupid and I did not even feel nervous before hand. I hated the idea of squeezing the blood out. I thought it would be quick n easy. It all wentdark for ages :confused:

Any one faint like me?
Reply 1
yep! im rly squeamish, i passed out in biology 4 times :redface: and once we were only TALKING about veins!
lets just hope u arent diabetic, otherwise ud have to prick ur finger several times a day...
i was like that when i had a blood test. i just get really quizy when it comes to blood. Plus she was taking absolutely ages to find a vein and kept swaping arms, which didn't help.
Now there is not enough blood for the test and I am going to have to do it again. I do not think the women was that good, though. It needs to be quick; I was ok at first. Honestly he he

I used to faint at school, but it had been 6 years since last time. I had no idea that I would react in this way to such a small thing.
Reply 4
i passed out on the tube when it was really hot and i was standing up and i had just given blood.

but not like this ;/

just remember, its not gonna kill you.
Reply 5
I nearly fainted when I had a blood test once (for diabetes, which I don't have apparently :wink: ). More recently, I fainted in the middle of London and got taken to UCH - only for them to find nothing wrong with me... :confused:
It is the way people react that would kill you. I had a serious problem with it through out school. Key tip raise your legs on a chair and hey presto, it goes away much quicker.

Reply 7
omg ive passed out a few times actually

one was when i had a blood test whe i was about 10. I was looking at the fan next to me just before she took my blood and the next thing i knew i was being dragged along the hospital corridoor with everyone staring at me!! lol

Also on Christmas day last year i passed out twice!! I took the dog for a walk and i slipped a made a huge gash in my hand. I got home and was cleaning it and felt dizzy. I passed out and wacked my head on the bath :frown:
I went to the kitchen when i was ok again, told my parents what happened and passed out again, very narrowly missing the stairs going down!! was a horrible Christmas morning! Esp when my dad had to clean my cut with disinfectant :frown:
Reply 8
I passed out like 3 times. Although once was when I smoked too much XD
Reply 9
I've passed out in the shower 3 times before!
So i've been told that its because, in warm in bed but alarm goes off and quickly jump up in to cold air. Then get straight in hot shower, which is apparantly too much temperature change for my poor self to handle!

I think it sounds like bull, but now i gotta get up and wait ten mins, and in that time im supposed to eat like a biscuit or summat sugary.

How strange!
Hey but one good thing. I was on a no chocolate and sweets diet. What a fab excuse for breaking it. I stabbed my hand with a fountain pen in year 8 and the ink went into my hand. Again I fainted; this time some cow pushed me in the direction of the boys toliets.


Reply 11
this time some comedy genius pushed me in the direction of the boys toliets.

Actually, they probably were a comedy genius! And, to think, a so called friend too. What you don't realise is that the lads bog stank of wee on the floor (great destination). Good job I was not dying :smile: Final vision, not advisable.

I also fainted at Bradford Industrial Mill when 11 in front of a crowd, if you want my life history. Also when there was a meningitis out break at school. There you go. Oh and, oh yes, in French when I was trying not to laugh at the teacher and she was in my path of vision. She blew her nose and snot went all over her face and she was asking me a question and one of the lads whispered ..even I cannot do greens like that...