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Reply 1
Just thort i make a post, cos im in a wheelchair and hump on my bk!! n i juts noticed how ppl kinda look at me differently!!! I just wondered if ne1 else has a similar experience n wot they did bout it!!

well its not very similar but i am used to people looking at me differently.

I only have a hearing aid but everyone looks at me like im some sorta weirdo, and when they talk to me they talk like im completly deaf and shout, which im not with the hearing aid. But i cant go out with my hair up just because of people sneering and smirking at me. :frown:

nothing compared u u darl, but i do have an idea of what its like. Best advice is to be confident in urself and be proud that ur different! :hugs:
Reply 2
How come you are in a wheel chair (if you dont mind me askin)?

I think that people will always turn at look if they see something slightly different, its just life. But it doesnt mean they are looking thinking something bad.

On a very different note, my friend recently had part of his ear bitten off (dont drink and fight kids!) and people always stare at him and little kids like point and get scared. He hates it, so if im with him and can see people whispering or staring i just point at them and say loudly to my mate "eurghhhh look at that ugly munter", that usually does the trick!
Reply 3
I'm cleft palated... so my face looks, ehm, 'different'. I do get funny looks but I also get charming questions like "Whats wrong with your nose? Were you in a car crash?".
But hey its something I'm used to now and it means I can laugh quietly at other peoples' ignorance. And sometimes not so quietly.

On a more serious note, your signature kind of describes my attitude to the whole 'physical difference' thing and generally I like to think that people are curious rather than being rude. Maybe they're staring at you because you're cute? A friend of mine's in a wheelchair and he's just too good-looking not to stare at!
Reply 4
Just thort i make a post, cos im in a wheelchair and hump on my bk!! n i juts noticed how ppl kinda look at me differently!!! I just wondered if ne1 else has a similar experience n wot they did bout it!!

spend a while making your face beautiful.

my mom is disabled but has such an extremely beautiful face... she was offred a part in a film when she was younger...people are drawn to a happy beautiful face, regardless of how disabled you are. so it really IS worth plucking your eyebrows.

this isnt the same, but i used to have severe acne needing antibiotics-still going,bad teeth needing 3 sets of different braces and stil ongoing, and i am foreign weird looking. and im now a model. so to all those people who said i was ugly/googfy/racist/laughed at me, i can look back at them in anger.

what im trying to say is try to overcome what holds you back- maybe do some kind of disabled sport/hanggliding etc to challenge yourself and make you realise even though you are disabled, you CAn do anything :smile:
Reply 5
I know its nowhere near the same but i used to be morbid obease, and now i'm quite well built (if i may say so myself!) and ppl treat you differently by an incredible amount, (especially girls!)
Reply 6
Nothing compared to you guys, but I'm a complete scruff. But when I dress up I get wolf whistles and get chatted up by nasty blokes old enough to be my dad. So I guess I look too old!

I deal with it by not caring; my boyfriend tells me I look beautiful whenever, and he has to look at me all the time, so it's his opinion that matters!
my ex boyfriend had a hearing aid, and got lots of weird looks, and di*k heads taking the piss. but hes a good looking guy, with a fantastic personality so used to rise above all the remarks. people can be cruel but thats there problem. i know its corney, but as they say "beauty is skin deep" --- somethiing i belive in completly
Reply 8
I'm "normal" and I still get..."undesired attention". Just ignore it
Just ignore it

easier said than done, but i totaly agree
Reply 10
easier said than done, but i totaly agree

Thats right...but after a lifetime of it, you learn.
Thats right...but after a lifetime of it, you learn

yeah know what you mean. after my "akward" teenage stage, and once i had grown into my looks (big boobs, Q.Slim and blond hair :p: ) i got lots of male attention.... and not always good. they thought just coz of the way i look im a typical blond easy bimbo... something far from the truth i might add. now when i go out round town it just automtic of me to turn away sleezy guys.
Reply 12
Unfortunately people can be shallow. I think its the fact I'm a dark-skinned male of intermediate age that causes people to give the weird looks.
yeah.... god dam the media and the stupid streotypes.... ive got jordan and jodie marsh to thank... :-)
Reply 14
yeah.... god dam the media and the stupid streotypes.... ive got jordan and jodie marsh to thank... :-)

I'm glad I wasnt stupid enough to think breasts were important or fun to stare at...
Reply 15
Unfortunately its part of life. People look at other people. They especially do if you are in a weelchair or you are obese or you are wearing a weird outfit etc etc etc. The only thing you can do is just get on with your normal life and enjoy the things you want to and accept that a few looks off strangers who will never know you isnt the end of the world. Just tell yourself ''I dont care, I dont care'' and eventually you wont care because lifes just too short.

Besides I bet people dont look half as much as you think they do - paranoia is a powerful thing.
Reply 16
Unfortunately its part of life. People look at other people. They especially do if you are in a weelchair or you are obese or you are wearing a weird outfit etc etc etc. The only thing you can do is just get on with your normal life and enjoy the things you want to and accept that a few looks off strangers who will never know you isnt the end of the world. Just tell yourself ''I dont care, I dont care'' and eventually you wont care because lifes just too short.

Besides I bet people dont look half as much as you think they do - paranoia is a powerful thing.

This girl speaks the truth.
Reply 17
Or you can do what I do and just embrace abnormality... I got to 15 or 16 and thought, 'Well, they're going to look anyway...' and now I just wear mad things and do mad things and people can think what they like :smile:
Reply 18
Or you can do what I do and just embrace abnormality... I got to 15 or 16 and thought, 'Well, they're going to look anyway...' and now I just wear mad things and do mad things and people can think what they like :smile:

What mad things would those be? :p:
I'm glad I wasnt stupid enough to think breasts were important or fun to stare at...

.... dont get me wrong, boobs are fun to stare at and use :p: but theres more to us girls than tits. you know?