The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I went last Summer, and I found it excellent in virtually every way. The work wasn't too hard: three one-hour lessons per day, although there is some prep, the amount varying on what level of Greek you are at and how hard you want to work. My tutor was very good, and I read a lot of Greek which I really enjoyed. There were also interesting evening lectures, afternoon seminars, and two Greek plays (a fun one and a serious Greek-language one).

Aside from the academic, we were afforded full use of Bryanston School's excellent sports facilities, a daily bus into Blandford, and fairly-good food.

Socially, I found everyone in my house friendly and I have met up with several of the people on it since then, and have been in contact via MSN with a few more. The bar was open every night 9pm to 10.30, and a lot of people went to it most nights, which was very jolly. They didn't worry about people being underage either. And there was a rather drunken fancy-dress party on the Saturday night. It was really good to meet informally with so many other classicists of my own age -- there are only three people in my year doing Greek in my school so we feel like a bit of an endangered species.

Go for it, it was definitely worth it for me. If you have any specific questions ask here or PM me.... *~Sarah~* on this board was at Bryanston too (although I didn't knowingly meet her there) so she may post here also.
Reply 2
I haven't been to the greek camp, but I've been to Bryanston twice for music courses (4 days each). The facilities are amazing, and the food there is absolutely gorgeous - this is one school where no one should have ANY reason to complain about food.... they even have omellette chefs serving you!

The sports facilities are pretty good as well, with a large badminton hall, swimming pool, and quite a lot of squash courts...
Reply 3
Yes the omelette bar was good, by the end of it I was cheeky enough to go to the omelette bar after getting the best stuff from the main food place :biggrin: Plus the best bits of salad as well....
Reply 4
Yes the omelette bar was good, by the end of it I was cheeky enough to go to the omelette bar after getting the best stuff from the main food place :biggrin: Plus the best bits of salad as well....

:biggrin: that was always the best way to do it....with plenty of 2nd helpings :biggrin:
they even did a BBQ for us on the last day there, unfortunately it was raining so we had it indoors, but twas still delicious :biggrin:
what was the village like? i never got to go down there
Reply 5
Blandford was just a normal small country town, not that interesting in general, but with a fine Georgian marketplace, and the Badger brewery, the products of which we enjoyed greatly.... I don't know about the village of Bryanston though.
Reply 6
thx guys