The Student Room Group
you could possibly have a sty, which has not appeared fully, basically its a small infection, check out thsi website it may help?

although you may have a sty coming up, and you won't be able to see anything, and it may feel uncofortable, and nothing is visible, if you are unsure about what it is, go and see a doctor or even an optometrist as they will probably be able to tell you what to do!
Reply 2
my sister had one and it didnt look good at all :frown:
a few days ago on my eye lid it felt like there was something on it but the feeling went away, and its come back today, and it hurts a bit when i blink, but theres nothing actully on my eye lid. do you have any idea to what it could be?

it could be an eyelash falling out.....or one could have been 'turned in' bloody painful :frown: xoxo
Reply 4
i had that feeling and it turned into conjunctivtous
Reply 5
I've had that and it developed into a sty. My eyelid was really swollen and one day, a load of white stuff slid down over the surface of my eye - pus!! :puke:
It sounds like conjunctivitis. Get an 'eye bath' (a small cup which fits over your eye) fill it with boiled water with a little salt in it. Then raise the bath to your eye and bathe your eye with the solution. This should make it feel better (it will sting a little at first, but it does stop the general pain.) Then as soon as you can, go to the chemists, tell them your problem and they should be able to sort you out with some eye drops to treat it.
Reply 7
how did i get it? :frown:
how did i get it? :frown:

Its usually if you have a cold with cattargh, then end up getting any residue from that in your eye, ie. if you sleep and then rub your nose and touch your eye in the night. Don't worry, its pretty common, just get some eye drops and they should sort it. Make sure you stick to the recommended dose and remember to use them or else you'll prolong the problem.
I had a little thing just above my tear duct which irritated my eye a bit when I blinked atc, and made my eyelid a bit swollen, was hurting yesterday.

I got some baby shampoo and a cotton bud and poked it until the pus came out and cleaned it up with the shampoo and it's fine today!
Reply 10
gah, talk about conjunctivitis is making my eyes run.
Horrible thing, I get it whenever lots of dust is about, in other words, about once a week. Usually feels like I have a stick in my eye, and itches like mad, goes really red too.
Bloody allergies