The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
do what feels natural, if you like a person then you naturally flirt with them, its all a natural thing, sub consciously you'll be giving off signals that you like the guy. in terms of getting him to notice them you might have to exagerate them, ni which case you need to find out more about them by searching flirting tips or soemthing like that on google.

but generally it just sort of happens.
and if you mena notice you as in think you look nice nad stuff, doll yourself up but dont make it look like you're trying to hard, thats important, and yea, basiclaly dont og over the top, the best guys are the ones who think you look beautiful no matter what you're wearing. :smile:
Reply 2
Guys are dumb. Tell him you like him.
Reply 3
Pick one good feature and accentuate it. Not something obvious like boobs or bum, something he can complement you on when you happen to talk.

Just don't be a try hard, clamouring for his attention. If funny works for you be funny, if flirtatious works for you flirt. Be cool and if he has any sense you have to beat him away.
Guys are dumb. Tell him you like him.

Men are blind.
Reply 6

Originally Posted by Zurich
Guys are dumb. Tell him you like him.

Can't argue with that
Reply 7 say drop hints but u never they all said...if u have the courage tell him ^_^
Beleive me, guys appreciate being told they're bein fancied!
Reply 9
Guys are dumb. Tell him you like him.

True :smile: alot of us dont pick up all your girly flirts! Just be a bit more straightforward :p: i wouldnt worry, if you do honestly be yourself and you like him, it will come through naturally :smile:
Reply 10
talk to him and only him if in a group. touch him alot. get him clubbing then grind against him. get him drunk thn ask what he thinks of you
Guys are dumb. Tell him you like him.

Hahaha, yes!
talk to him and only him if in a group. touch him alot. get him clubbing then grind against him. get him drunk thn ask what he thinks of you

ohhh a girl after my own heart!
Men are blind.

and deaf :rolleyes:

Men are dumb, deaf and blind.

Men are dumb, deaf and blind.

pretty much sums them up... sorry guys :redface:
Well.... at least I can taste!
Reply 17
pretty sure my sense of smell is doing ok, thats always helpful
Reply 18
tell him u fancie him..u need to spell things out for guys..failing that take him into the toilets and suck him off..he'll know then
tell him u fancie him..u need to spell things out for guys..failing that take him into the toilets and suck him off..he'll know then
