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Reply 1
white girls kick ass
I'd say anyone as long as they're attractive. I generally seem to be less attracted to girls of some races, which sadly is just the way it goes - if I'm not attracted to them, what the hell can I do? But I don't make concrete rules based on that - if they're attractive to me, they're attractive to me.
Reply 3
I am really surprised by this poll the amount of people who would restrict them self to on race is really high, unless I have interpreted the poll wrong.
No offence
Reply 4
Race shouldn't be an issue. If a someone is a nice person and you are attracted to them then go for it :smile: My boyfriend is half Filipino :love: but I wouldn't care if he was African, American, Greek, half Spanish, South African etc.
Reply 5
Hmm. That poll means that only 4 people would date black people? Jeez, what's wrong with us?
Reply 6
I would date any race but I do have a thing about asian girls (I'm caucasian)
I'm Pakistani in origin, the 1 girl I was with for a substancial while was English, an Oxford student. :smile:

Been interested in a range, Ukranian, Hungarian, Arab, Spanish, Indian...

Any one who judges someone on race is a bit of a loser. I still love the first girl, but it didnt last, long contact and so on...
Reply 8
I wouldn't mind any race so far as the person is loving,clever assertive and has a good sense of Humor which are some qualities I would love my man to be(and he is hmmm)....Moreover why should race be a problem, we're now in the 21st century, those was long way back.

show some love people.....

Great post!
Reply 10
I wouldn't mind any race so far as the person is loving,clever assertive and has a good sense of Humor

hahaha.... can find one of those............ IN MARS !!
I exist here on Earth. :biggrin:
Reply 12
i live on Mars
In which case you should check out the "fatty" thread. :biggrin:
Reply 14
I would date a man of any race or nationality based on his personality, however, I do think mutual physical attraction is a factor which plays a part in relationships and its the truth that as a Caucasian female I do tend to find Caucasian males more attractive in general.
Thats logical and fine.
"Any races - as long as the person was attractive"

What about their other attributes, i.e. personality?? :rolleyes:
Reply 17
A wiser man than myself once said "it's all pink on the inside".
wouldn't date aborigines - simply cos i dont like people with broad noses.
Reply 19
I'd date any race, although western features seem most attractive to me and I'm not particularly keen on dark skin - I don't even like it when I tan, which is quite often cus I'm Chinese. But race doesn't matter to me. Religion matters, which means it's probably less likely that I'd date an Asian. Got nothing to do with prejudice or race, cus religion is really entirely a different matter and a whole lot more complicated.