These imaginary 'leagues' people set up are so stupid, if a guy or girl, is ugly, it doesn't change what they will see as attractive. If they are in say, for arguments sake, the lowest 'league' why should they be socially confined to only try and approach other girls/guys in the lowest 'league'? How proposterous. They're going to find girls/guys in the highest 'league' the most attractive, so why shouldn't they go for it? To say that it's disgusting for them to do so, is outrageous.
Not to mention, the irony that girls/guys saying that ugly girls/guys shouldn't approach good looking girls/guys, actually has the opposite of the desired effect (the desired effect being that only good looking girls/guys will approach you) as it promotes low self confidence, people start to wonder "Which league am I in??" and if they haven't got massive self-confidence, irrelevant of how good looking they are, they'll only approach girls/guys in the lowest 'leagues' and the girls/guys in the highest 'leagues' won't get approach, thus leading to them thinking they're in a lower 'league' and so on and so forth.
Then for people who already don't have very high self-confidence (I.e myself) it makes them really, really not want to approach any sort of half-decent looking girl, for fear of being labelled 'disgusting' or 'creepy' just for trying your luck, which again leads to even lower self-confidence...