The Student Room Group

Do girls feel disgusted or flattered if an ugly loser tried to chat them up?


I would be...

You know, a guy that's totally FAIL meekly tries to make first contact to a girl way out of his league.

If you're the girl, do you secretly recoil with horror and abomination that you attracted someone of such low standing but tempered somewhat because you know they can't help being so pathetic or are you flattered because hey, another guy likes you.

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To be completely fair I'd be struck with horror and pretty disgusted that someone as bad as that even tried.
It would make me feel like I must be really bad too, for guys like that to even try.

That sounds sooo shallow, but it's true. D;
I wouldn't really associate my feelings with either of those emotions.
there was a similar discussion about this on here in the past. i said that i would be disgusted and not flattered, but was met with the reply from some men on the board that i must be lieing, because why wouldn't you be flattered at any man undressing you with his eyes and chatting you up in the hope of eventually being able to shag you. conclusion: men don't understand women at all.

so yeh: it's disgusting.
urrm i dunno kinda feel a bit patronising like i'll never be mean or be like urgh if a guys making an effort i'll be nice but probs act like "aww soz babes" (but tbh i'm natro patro to everyone not just lil losers :P)

I think I'd be more embarrassed than him.
but girls every guy has the same target to get hot girls - generalisation i know - but you know what i mean. So is it not quite flattering if ANY guy regardless of looks comes to chat you up because they think you're hot? i dont think it has anything to do with "out of their leaue" they might just be REALLY cocky or just plain stupid but at the end of the day they find you hot - is that not flattering enough?
Disgusted and Horrified. I would probably insult them or bring them back down to earth.
These imaginary 'leagues' people set up are so stupid, if a guy or girl, is ugly, it doesn't change what they will see as attractive. If they are in say, for arguments sake, the lowest 'league' why should they be socially confined to only try and approach other girls/guys in the lowest 'league'? How proposterous. They're going to find girls/guys in the highest 'league' the most attractive, so why shouldn't they go for it? To say that it's disgusting for them to do so, is outrageous.

Not to mention, the irony that girls/guys saying that ugly girls/guys shouldn't approach good looking girls/guys, actually has the opposite of the desired effect (the desired effect being that only good looking girls/guys will approach you) as it promotes low self confidence, people start to wonder "Which league am I in??" and if they haven't got massive self-confidence, irrelevant of how good looking they are, they'll only approach girls/guys in the lowest 'leagues' and the girls/guys in the highest 'leagues' won't get approach, thus leading to them thinking they're in a lower 'league' and so on and so forth.

Then for people who already don't have very high self-confidence (I.e myself) it makes them really, really not want to approach any sort of half-decent looking girl, for fear of being labelled 'disgusting' or 'creepy' just for trying your luck, which again leads to even lower self-confidence...

my point has been proven by soonerthanlater.

hot girls already know theyre hot because its confirmed by the fact that they have hot guys chatting them up. they don't need the mingers etc to be chatting them up to to feel flattered and attractive, and therefore its just annoying. THAT is why women (who arn't mingers) find mingers chatting them up disgusting.
I would be insulted, as I must be in their league.
i wouldn't be disgusted, i don't think of myself that highly anyway, so i wouldn't "recoil with horror" if they tried to chat me up, tbh i'd probs just let them down gently if i didn't want them to chat me up :smile:
You Failed

Then for people who already don't have very high self-confidence (I.e myself) it makes them really, really not want to approach any sort of half-decent looking girl, for fear of being labelled 'disgusting' or 'creepy' just for trying your luck, which again leads to even lower self-confidence...


This is why I would feel ind=sulted.
Reply 14
So they are a 'loser' of 'low standing' because they are ugly? Even if they have successfully passed many exams, own their own car and house and have a great job they are still a loser? A loser in love, a loser in looks maybe (although not necessarily dress sense) but not necessarily a 'loser' or of 'low standing' in any other way. And they will fight not to be regarded as such just as some pretty people fight to bat above their abilities either by how they look or by the confidence of how they look gives them.
The pretty people who are very clever though don't need to think too much about these things.
Reply 15
Polls like this prove that if two guys who are the same personality wise chat a girl up, the one that is unnattractive is a "loser/creep" and the attractive one is "flattering"
Reply 16
This is proof that girls are shallow minded beings and that they are chronic liars to men.

Girls are self centred and i hate them.
Hmm I'd feel like, ew does he think I'm his type? Do i look like I'd go out with HIM?

I think I'd be more embarrassed than him.

Sorry, but this.

If they're just chatting in a friendly way, then that's fine, I'm always up for good conversation. But if they're clearly just out to get your number with a view to getting much more, it's kinda insulting...
This is why I would feel ind=sulted.

Do you not see how circular the logic is though? If the leagues didn't exist in the first place, guys would only approach those girls who they found to be most attractive, (I.e the girls formerly in the 'highest' league), now, why on earth would you be insulted if a guy, who decided to only approach the best looking girls, approach you?

It's only when people start to introduce 'leagues' and say people in the lower 'leagues' should only approach others in the lower 'leagues' that it would be insulting. Therefore it's a product of your own rules. It's not hard to understand.