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Durham General Chat Thread

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I had to emphasise throw, because they are going to be thrown with a particularly deep rage.
Reply 2441
Where: Any of the hills around Aidans
Who: Anyone cool enough
What: Sleds, trays, baths, snowboards, bits of wood, anything!
What else: Two manic horses, one **** off snowball catapault

Fooking aweseme - eat that you bailey scum!
Reply 2442
The 'skis' were awesome.
Where: Any of the hills around Aidans
Who: Anyone cool enough
What: Sleds, trays, baths, snowboards, bits of wood, anything!
What else: Two manic horses, one **** off snowball catapault

Fooking aweseme - eat that you bailey scum!

Bailey scum?! We get Palace Green, no better location for a snowball fight!
Reply 2444
Palace Green has no hill,thereby making it inferior.
Reply 2445
okay it had like SO better still be snowy when i get back to durham or heads will freakin roll
It is now crunchy snow... so when people throw it, it will hurt a lot.
Palace Green has no hill,thereby making it inferior.

We can easily access and steal your hills. Ha.
Trophy grey hill:biggrin:
Bailey scum?! We get Palace Green, no better location for a snowball fight!

Haha, some Hatfielders were randomly in the Castle courtyard yesterday trying to start a snowball fight with ANYONE. And that includes tourists and the porter who came and threw them out....:rolleyes:
Why were they not appeased in their want of a snowball fightage?
Why were they not appeased in their want of a snowball fightage?

Cos Castle just aren't up to the challenge... :p:
God, studio was fun. The walk back was soooo cold and lonely.. I can't wait to climb into bed...
4am... Where the hell did you walk back from??? Studio in Middlesborough!?
Reply 2454
4am... Where the hell did you walk back from??? Studio in Middlesborough!?


No "o"

Reply 2455

50% summative report

in on thursday

havent started it

Reply 2456
i could make that into a haiku
Or start the report, Alex.

C'mon!! Even Richard is starting today, the guy I know at the 'wood who does economics and hasnt been to more than say 10% of commitments this term. Lol.

Get going Alex!!

50% summative report

in on thursday

havent started it


It's fine! Seriously, people get so stressed about this stuff - you've still got 3 whole days. Plus it's only 1st year, so it's not counting towards your degree. Plus it's only 50%, so you've still got another 50% to pull up the module grade if you need to.
Reply 2459

new fun avatar!