The Student Room Group

Durham General Chat Thread

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Reply 380
heh, well, some people are... insomnia's a terrible thing (or at least an insatiable appetite for political debate is, and that amounts to the same thing on this forum)
heh, well, some people are... insomnia's a terrible thing (or at least an insatiable appetite for political debate is, and that amounts to the same thing on this forum)

Lol... addicting isn't it? My friends laugh at me....
Reply 382
my friends drag me into these messes they call political threads... I wonder whose friends are crueler? :smile:
my friends drag me into these messes they call political threads... I wonder whose friends are crueler? :smile:

Hmmmm... I think yours might be the winners... if any of my friends were on this site then I would NEVER get off.... :wink:
Reply 384
well, my friend's already gone to bed, so I might head off soon... there's an argument on liberalism in the politics forum and its taking all my restraint not to get stuck in. Did too much of that this summer...*shudders* I don't think we stopped even in prague
Reply 385
Anyways, g'night all left up, I'm to bed
well, my friend's already gone to bed, so I might head off soon... there's an argument on liberalism in the politics forum and its taking all my restraint not to get stuck in. Did too much of that this summer...*shudders* I don't think we stopped even in prague

Hahaha... well good luck, and I hope you don't spend a sleepless night in a political debate forum :smile: Willpower! I'm off, g'night.
Reply 387
Where on earth has this thread taken us now.... it's a series of totally random and incidental comments!! lol
Reply 388
Where on earth has this thread taken us now.... it's a series of totally random and incidental comments!! lol

Well, it does say general chat... so its just generall chatting; totally on topic :biggrin:
Reply 389
I thought this thread was a secret covert society, disguises as being a General Chat thread.... perhaps that was just me...

Ho hum! lol
Reply 390
Well, considering it's had nearly 400 replies and I've been annoyed by it a total of one time, then I wouldn't say it was doing a very good job....
Reply 391
Well, considering it's had nearly 400 replies and I've been annoyed by it a total of one time, then I wouldn't say it was doing a very good job....

Did I not say that the first target was recruitment? I'm just building numbers for now, the real fun will start when you least expect it....

<cue creepy music>

(I also have the problem that most of the ways I could attempt to annoy you would most likely just amuse you. Dammit.)
Reply 392
dont worry gang, she's coming on the bar crawl remember - so much easier to annoy people when they(/ir) bra are/is right there! :eviltongu:
Reply 393
dont worry gang, she's coming on the bar crawl remember - so much easier to annoy people when they(/ir) bra are/is right there! :eviltongu:

Reply 394
dont worry gang, she's coming on the bar crawl remember - so much easier to annoy people when they(/ir) bra are/is right there! :eviltongu:

Hey, I could still not come on the barcrawl.
Reply 395
What day is the barcrawl on again ?
Reply 396
Hey, I could still not come on the barcrawl.

:eek: Then it wouldn't be the barcrawl!
Reply 397
Hey, I could still not come on the barcrawl.

if you dont - we'll all make your room one of the stops anyway :smile:
Reply 398
I know where she's living! :biggrin:
Reply 399
I know where she's living! :biggrin:

Shush. Don't tell them.