Ha ha, what a relic this old passage is now.....*remembers*
As one much respected spectating agent commented, this may be a little confusing for any 'newcomer'. So, here you are....
Essentially what we have here, is a thread dedicated to 'annoying Becca'*. Becca can be described as the mother of the Durham forum. As such, she may be subjected to regular outbursts of hormonal rage from yours truly. Despite how unfair this sounds, such a pursuit has found favour amonst several forum father-figures, as well as some more infantile sons. Even graddaddy Sam likes to join in. (DISCLAIMER: Of course, we stop short of things actually offensive!) The torment may be through many different mediums, such as written slanging, or visual jokes. The thread has been established and looked after by the people whose names appear below. Any one of these will probably be able to answer questions you may have. For a more detailed answer, direct your queries towards those people whose titles appear in red.
* (for the Mods) general spam and chat, to keep it in one place, so as to not clog up more productive threads.
I will try and keep this updated as people volunteer themselves for positions...
I am now assigning positions as necessary.
So far:
President: Chris
Vice-President: AATTMM
Treasurer: TKR
Director of Written Insults: Morals Officer
Director of Media and Public Relations: Dobbs
Chief Security Officer: Adam C
Head of Night-Time Operations: Rach
Street-Team-Diplomats (STDs):
Junior Foreign Relations Minister: dejavu
Junior Defence Secretary: Charik
Spectating Agents:
Becca herself lilsk8a fleur
Lowest of the low; jealous, wannabe mutineer: Fili
Board members, left to right; Morals Officer, AATTMM, Chris, Dobbs, TKR:
I can't even begin to describe how much I just laughed. It went beyond a laugh - I was just emitting high pitched squeaking noises. That was absolute genius. It has made my day. I now owe you about five years' worth of rep...
See? Comedy gold.
My girlfriend's 300 miles away Still, that means more time for Pro Evo and hopefully earning some money, which I can pool together to buy her something to spoil her with when we are together. I have £27 to last me till I get my Student Loan....
I have new hair, and want to share it with you all...
Look how manly I am with my cosmo and margherita... I thought it was a pizza
Pump it. LOUDER
Sorry, was just bored. If you want to see more of this wonderment you can check my facebook pictures... I left out the ones that show my horrible bulge OO errrr..
We all do that...I'm not going to pretend I don't have a rigorous screening process when it comes to choosing what photos I can post online. The photos you've all seen of me are pretty flattering. I look worse in real life. Sorry!
EDIT: By the way, the third photo is the best, because it looks kind of as though you could be making a serious pose. Plus, your shirt rocks. The second one is cuter though!
Plus I look better by comparison to my pasty amigo with the outdated hairstyle (I do try and tell him, but it breaks his little heart). Hehe, or rather he's stubborn as ****!
I like my brown shirt and my hawaian one, so I put them together. CLASH
My girlfriend's 300 miles away Still, that means more time for Pro Evo and hopefully earning some money, which I can pool together to buy her something to spoil her with when we are together. I have £27 to last me till I get my Student Loan....
Be nice to your step-mother! She's a hot eastern european......can't complain Though I guess I can....since she lives and studies in the Czech Republic, which means I get to see her about once a month
No of course I didn't. They were created by the College. Each college has a large hive of eggs hidden beneath it created through taken DNA samples from the students and randomly mixing them to see what are created.
Then in September when the eggs are mature, they take DNA samples from them to see which students are the parents of them, and thats when we find out
However it's different in different colleges - for example in Castle the students have to find each other as parents and decide to have an egg. Whilst in Trevs it's random, and in some colleges they only take the DNA from one person, to create a single parent
As a man I can safely say that childbirth is cool. I mean, it can't be that painful, they're probably just being wimps. I stubbed my toe the other day, that's real pain!
Well then! How can you say childbirth is beautiful???
Eggs are beautiful
And no - it's not cloning, it's taking an artificial embryo and embedding DNA from one person in it. It doesn't clone the DNA but rather embraces it as a guideline of growth - so whilst the child doesn't directly resemble the mother or father, they only have the one parent