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Reply 4300
collingwood bar wouldnt let us in, not happy :hmpf:
Reply 4301
I'm doing Intro to urban geography (a much,much easier version of cities with a GIS angle), Historical geography (a bit like E+S but more based around human development) and Intro to transport systems planning (really fecking hard).
Reply 4302
Iiiiiiiiinteresting! Apart from the transport one which looks really quite dull :p:
Reply 4303
I'm doing Intro to urban geography (a much,much easier version of cities with a GIS angle), Historical geography (a bit like E+S but more based around human development) and Intro to transport systems planning (really fecking hard).

Okay...I retract the question I asked on another thread.
transport systems planning?? What does that involve?
Reply 4305
I could say, "planning transport systems", but I haven't lowered myself THAT far yet.

So instead I'll say, who knows? Something to do with geography. And I hate geography. Urghhhhh *shudders*

Secondly....2 hour lectures are evil!! :dong:

They are the norm here!:wink:

Transport systems planning Ali? Will you be working down at the bus station when you get back, getting rid of all the charvas who hang out down there at night and are violent?
2 hour lectures are the norm here too, although lots of the lecturers let you have a break in the middle after an hour.

Imagine 2 hours of Arabic with a man saying "naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan" at you over and over again and then speaking to you in arabic and expecting you to just understand. It's awesome! :biggrin: Especially since he loves me because I'm English and can pronounce a 'th' sound unlike the French who say it as 'sss'. Hehe.
Reply 4308
transport systems planning?? What does that involve?

Assessing issues in transportation planning and methodologies. Policies and technology that's been used to try and solve problems. Mathematical and computer modelling and various other complicated things. Not a barrel of laughs, but pretty good.
Ummm well... good luck with that ^_^;
Reply 4310
Went on my first Bailey bar crawl last night, woohoo, so much fun!!! Best bit=going to Hatfield and being given lots of free drinks in the assumption that we were Hatfielders! :smile:
Everyone who does Maths Core A Core B2 has a 7 hour session every Friday with no break :frown:
Reply 4312
Everyone who does Maths Core A Core B2 has a 7 hour session every Friday with no break :frown:

What the?!
That's what you get for being a mathematician
Fire alarm at 3.10am this morning.......... followed by a lecture about malicious alarms by the fireman, not good. Didn't really want to be woken up in the middle of the night. Oh well.
Fire alarm at 3.10am this morning.......... followed by a lecture about malicious alarms by the fireman, not good. Didn't really want to be woken up in the middle of the night. Oh well.

That's what you get for being a mathematician
That's what you get for being a mathematician

What's that sposed to mean? :confused:
Bad things happen to mathematicians.

Afternoon folks. I'm spending Sat night snuggled infront of the TV. Go me!!!
Reply 4319
What block was that in Applying4maths?