Ha ha, what a relic this old passage is now.....*remembers*
As one much respected spectating agent commented, this may be a little confusing for any 'newcomer'. So, here you are....
Essentially what we have here, is a thread dedicated to 'annoying Becca'*. Becca can be described as the mother of the Durham forum. As such, she may be subjected to regular outbursts of hormonal rage from yours truly. Despite how unfair this sounds, such a pursuit has found favour amonst several forum father-figures, as well as some more infantile sons. Even graddaddy Sam likes to join in. (DISCLAIMER: Of course, we stop short of things actually offensive!) The torment may be through many different mediums, such as written slanging, or visual jokes. The thread has been established and looked after by the people whose names appear below. Any one of these will probably be able to answer questions you may have. For a more detailed answer, direct your queries towards those people whose titles appear in red.
* (for the Mods) general spam and chat, to keep it in one place, so as to not clog up more productive threads.
I will try and keep this updated as people volunteer themselves for positions...
I am now assigning positions as necessary.
So far:
President: Chris
Vice-President: AATTMM
Treasurer: TKR
Director of Written Insults: Morals Officer
Director of Media and Public Relations: Dobbs
Chief Security Officer: Adam C
Head of Night-Time Operations: Rach
Street-Team-Diplomats (STDs):
Junior Foreign Relations Minister: dejavu
Junior Defence Secretary: Charik
Spectating Agents:
Becca herself lilsk8a fleur
Lowest of the low; jealous, wannabe mutineer: Fili
Board members, left to right; Morals Officer, AATTMM, Chris, Dobbs, TKR:
I don't know if creating 16 new threads would be the way to solve that though... I can see why it would be useful in some ways, but the threads would probably sit inactive for most of the time as there are only one or two people on here for some colleges, so then they'd get lost in the mists of the previous pages and would get ignored by people who don't use the search.
I don't know if creating 16 new threads would be the way to solve that though... I can see why it would be useful in some ways, but the threads would probably sit inactive for most of the time as there are only one or two people on here for some colleges, so then they'd get lost in the mists of the previous pages and would get ignored by people who don't use the search.
I was thinking more along the lines of what Oxford and Cambridge have done: they have set up a link at the top of the page that redirects you to all the colleges. Anyway, you are probably right. It would just be forgotten about.
I was thinking more along the lines of what Oxford and Cambridge have done: they have set up a link at the top of the page that redirects you to all the colleges. Anyway, you are probably right. It would just be forgotten about.
That's separate fora though, is it not? The volume of traffic in the Oxbridge forum is much higher than the Durham one, so it's probably justified in the former whereas it just isn't here. That, and as I said perviously, it would probably drive Becca mad.
but when the new thread has already been made about a bazillion gazillion (very slight exaggeration) times... it's not so much fun.
Besides which, there are threads for all the colleges throughout this forum, if you bother to use the search. They just end up getting abandoned, and then end up being remade, and then abandoned, and then remade, and then abandoned... and so on and so forth...
but when the new thread has already been made about a bazillion gazillion (very slight exaggeration) times... it's not so much fun.
Besides which, there are threads for all the colleges throughout this forum, if you bother to use the search. They just end up getting abandoned, and then end up being remade, and then abandoned, and then remade, and then abandoned... and so on and so forth...
All we have to do is report the new threads, then they can be merged into the actual college thread. Assuming the mods have been given the merge button of course.
All we have to do is report the new threads, then they can be merged into the actual college thread. Assuming the mods have been given the merge button of course.
Although I'm taking a few hours away from law to go to the metrocentre today
Been trying to learn a big book of Calculus, then planning on looking at all my Physics work that I barely understand at all. Did you get much from the metro centre?
Been trying to learn a big book of Calculus, then planning on looking at all my Physics work that I barely understand at all. Did you get much from the metro centre?
Got a brand spanking new ipod Touch, and a pink case for it
Good luck with your work. I'm setting back to mine now.
Well you see all these threads cropping up saying "What's this college like? Is it true what they say...? So who's applying to...?" Wouldn't it just be more efficient to have one for each? You guys have been around for longer though, so I guess you'd know better.
That is what the FAQ is for.
Us oldies really don't mind new threads being started, really. So long as the topic has been searched for first. I would much rather someone dig up a 2+ year old thread than make a new one about the same topic. In fact, I often rep people for doing just that.