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nleh some ***** asked to have a roast instead of brunch every third sunday here/ we had our firstone today and t was ****ing rubbish.


:laugh: :rofl: :rofl: :hahaha:

Its times like this you really appreciate living out
Reply 1181
Lol so where can i find a carvery?? :confused:
Lol so where can i find a carvery?? :confused:

I think the Court Inn's supposed to do a nice roast. And I know Emilio's does a Sunday roast too.
Reply 1183
Mines..."What is ‘offshore’? Are offshore spaces deterritorialized? " :biggrin: :biggrin: hahaha
I did have the hardest physical one tho :frown:

I've got that one too - I'm struggling to find any decent books that have a lot of stuff about it in.......what have you found so far?

Should I be concentrating on offshoring (offshore outsourcing) or offshore banking?

Im having trouble with how to split the essay up into sections and how Im going to do 1500 words on it!

Any ideas.......anyone?!
Reply 1184
Well, our lecturer does have a significant love of offshore outsourcing (and the Mexican government) but I'd imagine that it could be either.
I'd also like to say how BLOODY ANNOYING the points system is at college, plus you're only allowed one kind of potato.
I'd also like to say how BLOODY ANNOYING the points system is at college, plus you're only allowed one kind of potato.

And they won't give you 2 kinds of vegetables if you don't want any potato!!
Reply 1186
meh the point system is only annoying on certain days - usually four points is actually quite a lot of food!
Reply 1187
I wonder if i can just take 4 puddings? hmmm
Reply 1188
Try it, I bet evil woman #1 will TURN YOU BACK.
Reply 1189
I went home today and me and my family went to the pub for a proper massive sunday lunch - beeeeeef!!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

However - Alex, I am one of those people who voted for Sunday Lunch - I'd far far far prefer that than BRUNCH!!!! At least it should be alternate weeks! :rolleyes:
Reply 1190
you didnt taste the beef it was rank birng back burnch i say
you didnt taste the beef it was rank birng back burnch i say

At least you got beef.. It was all gone whenever I got down there - including the roast potatoes!
Reply 1192
We have brunch on a saturday and a roast on a sunday,it's a good mix!
So do we, and it'sALLL gooood!

Im back by the way... and my shoes are still soaked and soapy from FOAM PARTRRRRTTTTTY!!!!

SERIOUSLY. Nothing in my life has been as fun as that was...

I did a klinsmann dive through the foam, I completely sailed the whole 10m diameter of the floor and crashed into a wall!!!

Where do they do foamparties in Durham!?!?!?! QUICKLY!!!
We have brunch on a saturday and a roast on a sunday,it's a good mix!

Ha, Hatfield have brunch on Saturday and Sunday, AND roast on Sunday evening. This is mainly cos we rock. Big time.

I broke my phone when I did that dive... Well the 2,5,8 and 0 keys (all central middle ones) are now disabled... so texting is something of a bitch now.

Expressing yourself without all those letters, is somewhat awkward.
Reply 1196
i would love the brunch thing at hatfield

but the whole "the rest of durham uni hating my guts" thing would probably put me off! :rofl:
Reply 1197
I don't really dislike Hatfield,it's more of a joke.
Reply 1198
Well I am going on a "guys night out" tonight, on a full bar crawl :frown:

The list of places and drinks is currently:
Van Mildert - Lager/Beer
Aidans - Aftershock
Trevs - Cider
Marys - Tequilla
'Wood - Snakebite
Grey - Vodka Red Bull
Hild Bede - Cocktail
Castle - Whiskey & Coke
Cuths - Special Cocktail
Johns - Bacardi & Coke
Chads - Rose
Hatfield - Champagne

I would have done Cuths to Hatfield the other way round but I didn't write it. Anyhoo it's gonna be a fun evening, if you see me out say hello, not that I will remember.
Reply 1199
Well I am going on a "guys night out" tonight, on a full bar crawl :frown:

The list of places and drinks is currently:
Van Mildert - Lager/Beer
Aidans - Aftershock
Trevs - Cider
Marys - Tequilla
'Wood - Snakebite
Grey - Vodka Red Bull
Hild Bede - Cocktail
Castle - Whiskey & Coke
Cuths - Special Cocktail
Johns - Bacardi & Coke
Chads - Rose
Hatfield - Champagne

I would have done Cuths to Hatfield the other way round but I didn't write it. Anyhoo it's gonna be a fun evening, if you see me out say hello, not that I will remember.

Leave your phone at home :wink: :p: