Ha ha, what a relic this old passage is now.....*remembers*
As one much respected spectating agent commented, this may be a little confusing for any 'newcomer'. So, here you are....
Essentially what we have here, is a thread dedicated to 'annoying Becca'*. Becca can be described as the mother of the Durham forum. As such, she may be subjected to regular outbursts of hormonal rage from yours truly. Despite how unfair this sounds, such a pursuit has found favour amonst several forum father-figures, as well as some more infantile sons. Even graddaddy Sam likes to join in. (DISCLAIMER: Of course, we stop short of things actually offensive!) The torment may be through many different mediums, such as written slanging, or visual jokes. The thread has been established and looked after by the people whose names appear below. Any one of these will probably be able to answer questions you may have. For a more detailed answer, direct your queries towards those people whose titles appear in red.
* (for the Mods) general spam and chat, to keep it in one place, so as to not clog up more productive threads.
I will try and keep this updated as people volunteer themselves for positions...
I am now assigning positions as necessary.
So far:
President: Chris
Vice-President: AATTMM
Treasurer: TKR
Director of Written Insults: Morals Officer
Director of Media and Public Relations: Dobbs
Chief Security Officer: Adam C
Head of Night-Time Operations: Rach
Street-Team-Diplomats (STDs):
Junior Foreign Relations Minister: dejavu
Junior Defence Secretary: Charik
Spectating Agents:
Becca herself lilsk8a fleur
Lowest of the low; jealous, wannabe mutineer: Fili
Board members, left to right; Morals Officer, AATTMM, Chris, Dobbs, TKR:
I thought it was good Ali, everyone taking the piss out of his accent behind us - wow, he has an accent, big bloody surprise, him being foreign and all. It was fairly physical and a little repetitive after a bit, but a good introduction i thought.
And nah I'm tired and really don't feel in a going out mood, thanks anyway. Just hold onto t'livia all night Or a girl in sunglasses
I know! I disliked the peopel that took the piss out of his accent, I liked it when he suggested that we go on a random holiday to China... Maybe Tlivia could put on sunglasses...
Ah well, no problemo but in case you do want to chase after.. tut mobile number is coming to you in a PM.. send me a msg or something so I can take urs down too. It's good to talk, as Dr. Hoskins says... Have a good one Timothy.
I know! I disliked the peopel that took the piss out of his accent, I liked it when he suggested that we go on a random holiday to China... Maybe Tlivia could put on sunglasses...
I wanna be Jaqui Onassis I wanna wear a pair of dark sunglasses
I need to get alcohol in my room so i can drink then go out, spending less money. Though I need lots to get drunk now. Last nite seeing the Doctor: 2 reefs (strawpedoed), vodka redbull, whiskey coke and a snakebite and was a tiny bit tipsy for about 30 minutes, not good. Could have been the sweating of the alcohol out the system, nice
Last night: Bottle of Magners, Snakebite, double apple sourz, malibu and coke, strawpedo reef, Jelly baby, malibu and coke, vk apple. And I was... tipsy... Lol. And I drank them really fast too, to try and improve the elation effect. Didn't work too well, really. Usually takes more than that though...
Ugh, the plight of an aging and seasoned alcoholic.
Scary. I have no idea how to get my essays up to standard, everyone says journals, but I canney find any useful ones
Yeah, just go to the library and look in the geography journals section (level 4 mostly) and find something you're interested in, then find an article that could be slightly interesting (yes, hard to do!)....then just read it to get the basic "feel" of how to structure an essay.
If you let me know your Durham e-mail address I can send you my 1st year essays as well as one essay that I've done this year (and if you like a formative essay plan that I did this year too!)....just to get the jist of essays....it's annoying but by this time next year you will be amazed at how natural it comes to writing essays
If any other geographers want essays and stuff just let me know as I have them all on my PC I can send them to you all if you like. It's not cheating, just getting some advice on structure and stuff
PS. I'm at Trevs tonight, not going to Studio though
Aaw, poor Dr. Zong Hes my personal tutor and he has an AMAZING life story.....relly didnt like it when people were taking the piss out of his accent either ....i thought the lecture was really good. Thought the physical one was even better though (for once!)
People giggling, as I said, he has an accent, get over it. He was interesting and yes physical was really interesting too!! Dr Antony Long I think, all about glaciation, was really good
Physical geography rules again!!!!
And I will PM you my email dobbs, thanks a lot. Just need to move up from ALevel standard i think.
Nope, but where is Dr. Zong from? We have a Swiss lecturer, but people don't laugh at his accent, just the fact that he's an incredibly talented and amusing lecturer, who makes Physics come to life for us all. Eccentric foreign lecturers are amazing.
And yes Kevin, I saw you in Trevs, though you seemed melancholy. Maybe it was me!! Heh
Nope, but where is Dr. Zong from? We have a Swiss lecturer, but people don't laugh at his accent, just the fact that he's an incredibly talented and amusing lecturer, who makes Physics come to life for us all. Eccentric foreign lecturers are amazing.
And yes Kevin, I saw you in Trevs, though you seemed melancholy. Maybe it was me!! Heh
Hes from China... ...and I am certainly not melancholy!
And yes Kevin, I saw you in Trevs, though you seemed melancholy. Maybe it was me!! Heh
Did I?
I think it's just the other few times you've met me I've been rather drunk, whilst last night when you saw me...that was the first drink I'd had! I'd also just been in a long meeting for the shop committee which was...well....interesting aaaaand I was facing a long walk home in the freezing cold!
Oh yeah, and after you left the fire alarm went off, meaning I had to stay around for a while to make sure the shop was closed down properly