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Okay fair dos!

Unfortunately the thread is seemingly not there anymore!
Reply 1581
Physical is in for weds....
and i havent STARTED E&S! :bawling:

Exactly the same!
Reply 1582
Okay fair dos!

Unfortunately the thread is seemingly not there anymore!

nope it was one about "how to suck a lollipop" or something

helenia was unimpressed
:redface: I imagine she was... ouchables...

And I'd give you warning points just for having that avatar... Ursula is scary dude!!
Reply 1584
ursula is my goddess!

helenia is armless really! it's at82 and viviki you've got to watch out for :p:
Reply 1585
Is glacial maximum a real phrase or have I just made it up?
Why is it so hard to write 1500 words on ice streams?
Reply 1586
Is glacial maximum a real phrase or have I just made it up?
Why is it so hard to write 1500 words on ice streams?

It is real, the maximum point of a ice age i believe.
Reply 1587
Whew :cool:,I've stopped making up terms about glaciation then. It's still a bitch to write this essay tho.
Reply 1588
Writen it (badly), now checking over it. Then the environ and soc one.
Cake is rather a funny word.

I wonder if you would get marks for randomly writing 1500 words, with a random word generator...

Surely they couldn't give you 0???
Reply 1590
It all makes sense now!
Reply 1591
Is glacial maximum a real phrase or have I just made it up?
Why is it so hard to write 1500 words on ice streams?

Woops, I really should've sent you my essay on ice streams for which I got 78%!! It was awesome :biggrin:
Reply 1592
I have it via Rach! Which is related to the comment I made about yoru references...
Reply 1593
It is done and I rule.
Reply 1594
It is done and I rule.

You got any Mayan civilisation books? If so could you bring 'em to my room sometime? Please!!!!! :biggrin:
Reply 1595
mayan civilisations?! that sounds well interesting! is that for geog?
Reply 1596
I have it via Rach! Which is related to the comment I made about yoru references...

Cool :smile:
Reply 1597
mayan civilisations?! that sounds well interesting! is that for geog?

Yeh the environment and society option, 'tis interesting, but all the books in the library about them are taken out :frown:
Reply 1598
Environment and society, on the environmental impacts of two ancient civilisations. Definitely the (or the second best) lectured course this term.
Reply 1599
Who takes that section?

And your essay titles seem a lot more interesting than ours from last year :frown: